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A member registered Apr 01, 2024

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Я не знаю как делать это правильно,но я лично кладу пробковую доску на пол и начинаю раскладывать на ней листочки как мне это нужно. Потом сверху я закрепляю это булавками и все держится! Можно смело крепить доску на стену :) 

Если идти вдоль реки ( к озеру ) внутри большой коряги будет спрятана бочка с провизией :} там  много штучек!

Спасибо! Четыре дня отчаянных попыток, и вот она у меня 🌷❤️

Thank you! But, I can’t transfer it to my save 7.0? I don't think I can...

I tried for 1 day and it didn't work. YouTube  Кitten   said you need to try again and again, and she will appear, but I don’t have that much time and nerves ತ⁠_⁠ತ

Looks like it! I got the error “dup detected” and when I saw these posters I thought that the game was punishing me (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠) I completely forgot about the date! 

Thanks, I'll try! I've been struggling with this for two days now. I didn't look, turned off all the lights, never heard a sound. Good luck for me..

How? . She did not appear in the new save for 5 days. Then ALL the shrimp disappeared and she still didn't show up.Exactly at 23.00 I put the shrimp on the grill in the basement, waiting...nothing.... What's wrong?

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