I really loved this- it was surreal and abstract yet intimate as well. I love the sound effects. Awesome job! ^_^
Recent community posts
This is beautiful. I left a rating but also wanted to comment so that I could leave my appreciation. I got the 'true ending' on the first playthrough and I love it so much that I can't stand the thought of changing my choices to get other endings. :D There's something very wistful and melancholy about the story that I very much appreciate. Awesome job! ^_^
I love this VN. I really like how each MC is different (based on coloring/background) depending on which path you go down. I love the characters- I had to use a walkthrough to get the good ending for the Merman though! :D My favorites were probably the Pukis which surprises me since the others are more of my 'type'. ^_^ Awesome AWESOME job!
I am so, so appreciative of the character customizer! I rarely see characters with my coloring so it really touched my heart to be able to make a brown/brown/brown (ha!) toned main character. I liked that there were so many choices- the MC felt like a real person and I really liked the male leads. So customization + loads of choice + hot dewds ( :3 ) = 5/5 Thanks for making this game!