Fly high MDickie 😔💗🕊️🕊️
Havoc Nessity
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Running the game in (Arch) Linux was a pain, turns out the command line doesn't take kindly to apostrophes, so I wasn't able to run the .py and .sh files properly without renaming them (and also another file in the lib/linux-x86_64 folder that had the common suspect, an apostrophe). Took a few troubleshooting but at least I finally had it running.
Edit: Okay so it might have been my fault since I don't even think you were supposed to run it on the command line, you just have to go to the Yuki's-4P-linux/lib/ directory, go to one of the Linux folders and run the executable with the game name from there so... In my defence I'm a Linux noob and it wasn't obvious lol
I'm not quite sure what's so Mac or Linux friendly about this game, since in the download, the only obvious executable things in it are .exe files which are files windows can run, not really what mac or even linux can run. While yes, it CAN be run on Mac or linux using wine, but that's not really something I would consider "friendly" or easily accessible for these platforms, adding the fact that you never really even mentioned wine in the first place so any normie mac or linux user would be dumbfounded to see that the game they downloaded and expected to instantly play was a game they couldn't even run. I recommend removing the mac and linux on the available platforms list until there's a valid executable for each platform.