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He would need to have a Mac (or a VM), get the files on that system and build it there. The Mac dev ecosystem is really bad for people running windows and linux as you need to jump through stupid hoops for no real reason. Sadly apple restricts its users and developers alike :/. Its just a really big inconvenience to do, especially for people who don't know how to use VMs
Windows issues, customisation, privacy, less viruses, better for me as a dev, runs most of my apps I use anyways. The final straw was having to reinstall windows do to my networking, firewall and av being disabled, other people's support messages were too basic to fix the huge issue (wifi button on taskbar was gone, wifi/network settings crashed the app, firewall would not turn on: no fix other than reinstalling). Also, I run servers so it just made sense. Would love to hear other peoples reasons as well.