I agree! This is a very well thought out adult game. Developer has a fun story with plenty of purposeful action, not something that a lot of games can have said about them. Worth supporting. Hope PrometheusEVN keeps to it, good luck.
Recent community posts
RawDarkness is the perfect example of what a person can do if they choose to. This one developer is creating a game that is in par with the best and is doing it at their own cost and time. What a wonderful place for those of us that have the chance to enjoy their creation before some huge gaming outfit grabs it and makes it only for profit. Thank you RawDarkness and I hope you are rewarded with the success you have earned.
This is a uniquely drawn game with, what I would call, "the voices inside our head", element that separates this from all other games. For me, it struck me as funny to see some of the same thoughts I myself have had in my life, to be on screen. I liked it very much and hope to see more from this developer. Good luck.
For multiple play throughs! Unlike life, in games it is possible to get the first run all 0's and just come back and make different choices. This is how these kinds of games that are not all about the H content can survive. Enjoy the play-throughs and skip the walk-throughs. It is much more fun discovering things on your own.
Okay, not here to bad mouth or judge any developer for trying to make their game the most it can be. I really liked this game when it went by another name. In fact, I was very much into how far it went before being renamed and placed on Steam. It is a fantastic story with a lot of characters put into the sprites. So, I am wishing R.G. good luck with this build and will watch to see if it keeps the same kind of heat it use to have.