I don't even know what to say. wow. I really liked this game!!!!! i am absolutely obsessed with Hendric! i played through all the choices to get to all those endings. waiting for the full version<3
A member registered 60 days ago
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ONE NIGHT ETERNITY: A Yandere Story comments · Posted in ONE NIGHT ETERNITY: A Yandere Story comments
I don't know why I started this game expecting it to be a nice stroll through the park but the way this game had me on edge until the ending was truly unexpected.......I really liked this game!!!! I loved its vibe and really enjoyed playing! I visibly gasped just like Eddie did when the plot twist came up! did not regret playing this game!!!!
I LOVED THIS!!!!! out of all the jjk games khywae has made, this one is my absolute Fave!!!! i loved how the plot goes and how the decisions you take really matter in the ending you get. loved how this played out and i couldn't stop until i got the good ending. being a gojo fangirl, loved the guest appearance. overall lovely game!!