Still waiting
How to download on android?
Update when?
Any plans for Elizabeth any time soon?
Cant wait
Hows the progress of the next update
Any help?
When I download it and try to install it says there was a problem parsing the package
Is there a way to hide the text on Android? It gets in the way in scenes
When will new pubilc be out
Its been 98 days since youve last updated us, any news?
I can't wait till the next update, its been too long 😭
So its no longer free?
I couldn't have finished the main story,it just stopped advancing. How long is the main story?
Yeah all my hints say "Thats All For Now"
weird, after the sleepover there was no hints for me anymore
Is there anything more to do after the sleepover or is this abandoned?
Will this ever have animated scenes?
Is there any way of playing this on Android?
I hope Elizabeth is the next one
How can i update it, i download it but its a different file and has none of my saves
Next update when? Ive done everything and itching for more
Im think im stuck, I can't get access to acerola again, everyone I've talked to has nothing more to say