sad girl...
A member registered Mar 14, 2020 · View creator page →
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A perhaps slightly uncreatively named collection of various lil' guys i've drawn :-)
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Real Talk: Games About Trauma (art caught between "everything is horrible", "everything is survivable", and "this is too hard to talk about") comments · Posted in Real Talk: Games About Trauma (art caught between "everything is horrible", "everything is survivable", and "this is too hard to talk about") comments
This post reminds me of Nemlei's games... a lot of them have really compelling themes related to traumas, such as being stuck within a corrupt and uncaring system that forces you to hurt others to survive in No-good Noelle or Divilethion, the horrors of depression in Better Half or terrible family dynamics in... almost of them really (what The Coffin of Andy and Leyley seems to be mostly about, I haven't played it yet sadly).
Anyways, I think Nemlei is a really good, but underrated vn creator, so if you're feeling like something kinda melancholy and tragic I'd recommend checking them out!
Electric Zine Maker (a work in progress, be gentle, hug it often) comments · Posted in Electric Zine Maker (a work in progress, be gentle, hug it often) comments