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A member registered Aug 22, 2023 · View creator page →

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it's because it's not from the app store so your phone warns you, but it should work if you allow it in settings

THANK YOU SM FOR YOUR COMMENT 💖💖 and imo no comment is too long mwa

I LOVE YOU TOO kissing your liver

i appreciate your comment a lot and thank you for enjoying my game!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333


thank you so much!! 🔥💖

well said

i don't care how "unnessecary" you find my stuff to be i always do whatever i feel like doing with my games (i know shocker), and you have no idea what a healthy coping mechanism even is lmao, it's funny how many people think they're online psychologists all of a sudden. If you did you'd know that sa victims don't have a choice but to relive and think about their trauma because the brain will always be searching for closure. And some cope with self destructive and harmful behavior while others just draw and make games that hurt nobody, it might not be nice to look at for people who don't get it and they don't have to, but most people would just stop supporting my game (which is completely valid btw) and find a better one instead of whining about fictional content that doesn't do any irl harm whatsoever (that's what i mean by normies), anyways tldr my work laptop isn't working so now i have nothing to do and am debating itchio comments hehe 

i did everything right because im making my games for myself at the end of the day so if i like them, they're perfect. I know this might come as a shock to you but i genuinely don't care whether you "agree" with how i make my characters 💋

thank you for loving my work mwa 💖

thank you 💖💖💖 i obviously knew I'd lose fans and get some backlash but I've always made games for myself first and others second, im glad the negative people are still in such a minority though and most people either continue enjoying my content or just stop supporting it (which i totally understand this stuff isn't for everyone and doesn't have to be), in terms of trigger warnings i have been thinking about how I'll implement it properly since there'll be more heavy stuff in the future too, so thanks for the suggestion! I'll probably make a guide with what triggers are present in which routes on the games page but I'll see what i decide on in the end, and thank you again for your kind words it means a lot

i never even had to make a game in the first place, you're forgetting I don't make games for you fella but for me, im sorry but you are not the center of my world theunfunnifellas 💔 

thank you sm for your words 💖💖 i have been thinking about how I'll implement my trigger warnings since there'll definitely be heavier content in the future too so thanks for the suggestion


ahhh thank you sm 💖💖


agreed, and thank you 💖

because i was 💦 and don't blame me blame the guy that SA'd me as a kid and gave me weird coping kinks that normies like you don't "agree" with, it's good that I'm starting to filter out people like you from my fanbase and am getting support from the people who actually bother to find out more about why my content is the way it is 💋 

i love this image thank you so much kissing your liver 💖

thank you so much!!!! i know it's not everybodies cup of tea and I don't expect it to ofc but thank you for your kind words mwa kissing your liver 💖

thank you for enjoying my game sm you're having an aneurysm mwa

it's in the route where you have the option to touch him (warning for heavily insinuated r*pe though)

in the ending where you have the option to "touch him" there is a new bad ending where he r*pes you essentially, since he has no self control and ultimately kills you like with the usual bad ending (i understand if it's not everybodies cup of tea)

He always was that kinda guy, but you can headcanon him however you want at the end of the day. I do get that people on itchio are more shocked than my followers on twitter since i barely communicate here, but this change didn't come out of nowhere. 

You can read my pinned tweet on twitter if you wanna know more about it. Either way id say i as the literal creator would know best "what kinda guy he is" lmao. I didnt write 404 for you at the end of the day, but for me. And you can get mad in my itchio comments about it if you want but maybe theres a better and more productive way you could spend your time since i notice youve been commenting a lot (and even made your account just for me. I am flattered though <3)


good luck!

no offense take anyone is allowed to love my game as much as they're allowed to hate it so no need to be scared hahahaha

you can headcanon him like that but hes a canon grapist just like hes a canon murderer, a canon sadist and a canon online loser 

this was an awesome read, and I'm honestly honored you'd go into such depth about my game 💖 

About the image gallery, alle the bgs and sprites are in the game files, but being able to unlock them in-game like with the infosheets would be cool too. I'd just have to check how i would implement that into my code, since every route would have different bgs unlocked. I'll definitely take it into consideration for my next update and would implement it if it turns out to not be too complicated. 

About the endings, i have NO idea how to implement that yet lmao. And even if, I'd only implement a guide once I've updated all the characters for the game and have all the endings in it. So basically, when the game is finished. But there's also the fact that i love not having clarity about the games full content. I've always enjoyed finding out about other endings with different playthroughs, discussing a games routes with others and stuff like that. So i might leave it like that to recreate that feeling. That you basically don't know if you've really found everything there is to find.

Regarding the sa content, you're totally right about me not taking heavy topics seriously, i never have, but i can understand that it's more uncomfortable to see grape made into a joke than just your usual edgy violence made into a joke. As for why the change with including sa is "sudden", it's actually not but i also barely ever give updates here on itchio so i get why it came out of nowhere for people who don't follow me on twitter. I have a pinned post on twitter where i explain more. 

Regarding the knight, I'm glad people are picking up on the differences between him and 404. I wanted him to act as an opposite to 404. That you first need to get his approval before you can achieve anything, while 404 is already obsessed with you. And that 404 is impulsive vs sir knight being calm and well spoken. 

Thank you again for playing my game and putting so much thought into it i really am glad to see people willingly fill their brain with my doofus content 🧠 💖

always enjoy watching your lets plays !

so true I'll keep that in mind!

nothing in my games are nessecary, i just do whatever i feel like doing with them hehe

dude why are you commenting on every single person asking to translate in spanish, just because i rejected you doesn't mean I'll reject everyone after you 💀 and i didn't even say i don't ever want a spanish translation just that i had no need in the moment 

based af

he's not pookie wookie anymore...(news flash he never was 💋)


around mid april hehe so soon

awww and i love your fanart <33

what doesn't work exactly i wanna help

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (please don't jump ily <3)