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Heat Salamance

A member registered Nov 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much!

Its in the game already.

Thank you!

Though now my guy died because I forgot to turn off my game twice... :(

That's my fault though.

You know what would be nice? A volume button. So, I could just lower the volume instead off having to turn off the sound every time I want something else playing on my phone at the same time as the game.

On a different note, how long is everyone's digimon living on average?

Cause I'm sitting here with my age 3 MetalGreymon (Virus) that refuses to evolve into a BlackWarGreymon, and I'm seeing all these people lose thier digimon, so fast... 

Im glad! Enjoy the game!

Try saving it as a separate file and running it. My phone downloaded it as DigitalTamers ReBorn (1).apk and ran it. So try that. What android system / phone you use?

Thank you for the updates!

Pulled from article:

Install guide: 

• PC: Just delete the old .exe and replace it with the new one.

• Android: Download the new version and install it over the old one to apply the update. Do NOT delete the old apk, or your save will be lost!

Just so everyone knows, on the Facebook Page, they released a google doc with how to get the evolutions for every Digimon (so far). 

Go here for the link: Facebook

So far I'm having a lot of fun. The battles are engaging and raising the monster is fun.

I do have a few suggestions and notes.

  1. My phone has the ability to split the screen and when I do this, the app restarts and the vey top is cut off a bit when in horizontal orientation. Vertical looks fine if squished. It also freezes as soon as I move to the 2nd app on screen. I assume tha app wasn't formulated with split screen in mind.
  2. Pictures for above:
  3. I really would like the enyclopedia to show your current digimon's previous evolutions and current attacks. It's not that important. I just would like that information as well.
  4. Have you considered a widget? Since the game only passes time when its on, I'd like to have a widget (like with the dot form of the mon) that can alert me when its hungry or wants training
  5. I still really like the idea of having the computer and phone versions communicate so I could switch between them. This could also be used for PVP if you decide to implement it.

Of course, these are all just suggestions. You don't have to implement any of them. I appreciate the game so far!

Thank you for the game and hard work!

You may need to be in the administrator account on your computer to download things.

Will there be communication between the PC and Android versions? That be great if I could have the game on my phone and then switch to my PC and back when needed.

Time to try this game out!