it's been stated by the creator they plan on adding the choice to have male versions of all the bots down the line
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i gotta agree with the other guy top focused work is rather strongly in a minority By your hands has bottom and verse routes, the two stories in sex drive are more bottom focused, can't speak for kulplant games or arcane shop, most games with top content are mostly bottom with the occasional topping scenes there are very few "pure" top/dom experiences
you might already be aware but mentioning it just in case, once the bind starts growing larger his body/art starts to cover the text on screen at multiple points, it's notable at tier 2 and pretty bad (like covering half the text) once he reaches tier 3 growth (for reference this is on the dom path have not done sub and i know he takes a different appearance there so i cannot say)
I'm actually hoping we get to fight and dominate him kinda threw me for a loop that my Dragon was scared to fight considering i have grown strong enough to one-shot most encounters at this point and have a great deal of HP (plus I've grown pretty massive at this point so having him be 50% larger than me seems almost ridiculous)