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A member registered Apr 13, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hey thx for your massive feedback will take a look at the bugs & suggested features at the weekend.

Interesting can't wait to give it a try later!

Don"t worry my games runs even worse despite using UE for some years. At least you don"t have to fight with the Folliage!

Nice really enjoyed the Art Style and the Music simple and clean!

Hi thx for your comment, this means a lot to me. I will take a look at mindball maybe I can get some Ideas for the next updates. Also don"t worry for the mouse control, I am also playing it mostly with those of coarse if there is any thing I can make, to make them even more comfortable for you let me know.

Hi thx for your massive Feedback I am glad you enjoyed the game. I will come back to you as soon as possible for some more questions if that is ok for you?

thx as soon as my GPU have arrived I will try to reproduce the problem and develope a fix!

Hi thx for your interest in the game since my GPU just decided to die and my new one will arrive in around 10 days I will be only be able to ask some question until then if that is ok for you. What distribution are you running and what are the specs of the system? Did this happen when you started the game?

Hi so I tried your game last weekend and I have to say, your game is scary not in the perspective of horror but more the fact that I couldn't find one negative thing about it. So let’s start with the music really great work, the graphics are also nice feels like there are really polished and the maximum you could get out of the 2d style. The controls feel good the only thing I would change is to highlight a bit the platform’s you can jump on like the Chears and the shelf’s but other than that excellent work. I wasn't able to finish the game because my GPU just died so only came till the point where you leave the building.

Ok here we go! The game has a really interesting concept, I found it a bit difficult for example the double jumps work sometimes, the mechanic would need more information so players understand it faster. Any way great prototype keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

Thx for your feedback. Of coarse I know that 2gb is a lot but you have to see this in the way that most of the assets are already included for the next 20 tracks. As soon as posible I will take a look at your game.

yea I can see this beeing a problem.

This and the strange physics make me sometimes think about switching to Unity, Godot or even Unigen but since I have collected most of my knowledge with this engine makes it almost impossible for my to switch.  

Hi thanks for your interest in the game! Sadly currently I don't have any system that can run Mac OS so I can't build the project for Mac. Its the sad reality that you have to own a device for euch platform to build an unreal engine project. Hopefully I can get a used Mac some time later, as my target is to bring the game to all three platforms. Off coarse I will try now your game.


Hi nice to meet you maybe I could help you bring your project to the Linux community!

That are some really interesting projects, have fixed the download link.

(3 edits)

Hello everyone I would love to get some feedback on my game it is called roll down, a combination of a Rolling ball platformer and a racing game. The game is now for almost two years is development, had paused the development for almost one year. It features three Game modes, tracks and sport balls. I would love to get some feedback especially for the new Racing Game mode and the opponent AI. 

Download: RollDown                    Discord Server

Thx for you help!

Roll Down https://hectagon.itch.io/rolldown

Really like the game! Feels like something totally fresh, the graphics looks almost AAA. You can tell how design and concept is working together to form the experience. So I know this is kind of late but do you have any plans to continue some time the development or make a similar full scale game?

Game is great but some more sounds and an exit button would be great!

thx for your feedback!

Thx just played your game!

The game is really addicting! My main problem with the game is that the enemys spawn behind you some times but I love the theme!

Is this a Deja vu, any way thanks for supporting my game.

I appreciate that very much thank you! Well I had this feature in a previous version but the problem was that the game was to easy and the player had no reason to change the position. The nitro effect would be an interesting feature maybe as an adrenalin effect as a Negative Slow-Motion effect. At the moment I am building a big Update (Leader-boards, better Performance and graphics and a Portal to another dimension) so stay tuned!

Thanks for the Feedback glad you like it! First of all I am finishing right now an Update for a Leader-board system, also will introduce online Multiplayer in the Full version but if local split screen multiplayer is some thing you would like to see, I will have look at!

Thx! Currently working hard to release the next big Update so stay tuned!

really like the main idea, style and music! Now to the negative part the movement and attacks have a big input delay this is especial with the grap mechanic and the jump attack. The Humans are a bit wiared I had to go back to catch them!
Some other Ideas: maybe remove the cracks de spawning it would add to the atmosphere!
I think you really have there an great game concept!

Well do you mean in general since the Jam is long over?

Hello every one this is my first game Jam and I wanted to ask if anybody is interested to collaborate? I have build some games in ue4 blueprint system, but I also have experience in Modeling and Designing! If you have a Team or want to create one just let me know!

Just Updated the Prototype! reworked the track Nature and level design, Also added Graphics and sound Settings, fixed the clipping sound and reworked the collision physics!

Thanks for the Feedback! Do you mean when the hitting sounds get repeated over and over when colliding with the wall?

(1 edit)

 Hello! I would like to get you opinion on my latest prototype! Its called Roll Down, a small racing game where you play as a rolling boll with different tracks and game modes like Time Attack! But before I continue the development I would like to get some Feedback on the Handling, Sound-design, difficulty and over all game concept! Just keep in mind that the level graphics are not final but more a prove of concept! This time I want to plan directly with your feedback in mind.

Get it from Here:https://hectagon.itch.io/roll-down

Password: Swordfish

Thanks for reading Hectagon

Thanks! Looking forward to start a small side project later this mounth!

Man really start to create a good collection of games!