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A member registered Nov 23, 2021

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Okay, my nickname is "Kynzw". I apologize for the delay in replying, I'm practically out of time these days

Unfortunately not :/


(1 edit)

I could be wrong but i'm pretty sure in the description of the jam it was saying that the deadline was 16:00 on July 2nd

Hii! Thanks for your interest, actually I was wanting to talk about saloon and not bathroom XD google translator sometimes makes me more complicated than it helps me

I accepted your friend request on the discord we'll talk more about the project there :)

My idea is a 2.5D game where you make the drinks and food in a barroom, I know it sounds very generic, but it will make more sense if I explain it to someone who is on my project, and that's what I need, someone who can draw, by the way, I'm still learning to program and I'm participating in the gamejam to serve as an incentive to learning :)

Obs: I'm brazilian so it may have some writing erros (i'm using google translator)

My discord in case anyone is interested: Quinze#3388

Ok, thanks!

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Would there be any way to buy in reais? (the brazilian money)