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A member registered May 09, 2022

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(1 edit)

Could definitely use a demo, considering the price.

I just wanna say that this is a masterpiece and you should get it. I got it over Steam.

- It is an excellent stat builder.

- I love the (human) characters, except Vace and Lum, though Vace can become interesting if you dig enough.

- The way they utilize saved games and previous playthroughs is THE best I have seen in any game.

- The music. Especially on the ridges.


May I ask when you think that the story is finished? My character wants to marry Perpetua. >_>

Well, the game did set up for you to lose clothes if you don't catch her quick enough. A time limit shouldn't be too hard to apply ...

Hehe, I was hoping that the girl could win too. Or a draw.

Any hope of an update?

This game is cute and charming. Yes, it is also short, but it was only 2 bucks. You are more than welcome to make another along the same lines and if you do I will definitely buy it.

No, I am sorry: I forgot to tell you, but it was just my computer being troublesome.

I can't get my character to move? And if I download, I see no file to start the game?

Hey Krisslannza, since you're also collecting strip games, have you seen this one?

I still hope that you will implement a chance to marry Perpetua and become her slave-husband. Not Dark Perpetua, the real, incredibly cool one.

Can that give you a game over too? I found it, but no game over.

Where do I find the candy shop?

A request: I want to be able to marry Perpetua, possibly becoming her slave-husband. Please implement it as a future option.

I don't mean Dark Perpetua. I mean the real, adorkable Perpetua.

Sigh, stupid question, but how do I open my inventory to equip items?

Yay - I mean, horrible!

Aren't there any game overs where a monster girl takes me as her permanent slave? >_>

Awesome game.

Excited for next update.

Any news?

Kewl. Looking forward to it.

When is the next update?

Any updates coming up?