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A member registered Apr 05, 2021

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I'm using windows. I would have joined the discord, but for some reason when I tried it said that I had to be over 13 to join it for some reason or another.

Tried over and over again to open the game. I've extracted the files and everything. Very occasionally I can play, but almost always it won't even try to load. Very annoying. Anybody else having this probable and/or a way to solve it?

I think, on the whole, you will be better of downloading the game. It does not work well on the online version, and it's not like you have to pay to download it!

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What do you mean GIT hub? I don't understand, but if you explain in more detail, I might be able to help you. Not sure, but I might.

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Oh...I think I had that in the old game and never was able to play as a result... Is there a more info option? If there is, I might be able to help. Also, are you on a Windows computer or Mac? Or neither?

i have been thinking that too

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Thanks, very grateful for your help.

Hi, just wondering how to know if this game has had an update. Will I get an alert? 

I think lots of people are having that problem at the moment!

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!

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So sorry about what happened, but you didn't waste time-you had fun playing when you did at least. Are you playing online? 

Okay then.....That is funny! So did your med cat have kits? And if so, who with?

Thanks.....But what file do I need to put into the new Clangen folder?

It's probably because no one has an answer. The only thing I can think of is extracting the files if you have not already done that.


Mmmm....So am I.

My computer said it wasn't safe as well, but I got it working in the end by tapping more info and there was an option to run anyway. Not sure if this is the same issue you are having, but I hope it helps!

I LOVE SERI PIXEL BIOLOGIST! That is how I found out about this too. And my favourite game, Wolf Quest.

I think it would be enjoyable to have it that, sometimes, cats get exiled by their leader when you skip a moon. I think that would be a fun thing to add to the game, it would be great to have a bit more story in it. Not saying it's not bad-it's amazing, I just think that that would be fun.

In the books, medicine cats aren't meant to have kits...It would be kind of funny if your one did and was allowed to stay as a medicine cat! 

I think that that would be fun too! I've not seen the word gathering even mentioned once!

Oh, thanks for the help.

If this game gets an update, what should I do to receive it without losing all my clans? Other than this question constantly swimming around my head, this is a truly great game. I love it soooooo much! There is only one other warrior cats game I have and it's simply not the same.....Keep up the good work! I have the game on a windows computer....Not sure if you can get it on anything else,  but just in case I wanted to say. Also, when are you planning to release the harder mode for the clans? I love having a good challenge!

What exactly do you do? I would like to try the game but need an idea of what it's like first.

Can you save your progress?

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which file do I play on??? There are so many files that I could go onto and I can't actually find the game.