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A member registered Jun 23, 2022

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Ok, I'ma spell it out for ya.

1) "fatphobia" is pretty much a made-up concept and a political combat term. Ignoring the dubious word choice (nobody is scared of fat people) Making fun of something is not bigotry. Most things leftist label "fatphobia" is are either health concerns, jokes or dumb insults. The closest thing to bigotry that happens somewhat regularly is people look down on down on fat people for lack of self-discipline or similar things(inb4 rare medical conditions: exceptions don't disprove the rule) calling that bigotry is still quite a stretch though.

2) Being slender is not being anorexic.

3) Beauty standard are not constructed. They somewhat differ from culture to culture and are generally are proxies for health, status and wealth. Them being partially defined by society is a good thing. The idea that they are "socially  constructed" is often used to delegitimize them and to relive pressure to lose weight. Weather or not this goal is a good thing or not is another can of worms, but the claim that beauty standards are "constructed" rather than socially evolved is plain wrong either way.

4) Disabilities are not sexy and not a good or beautiful thing. "ablesim" is a combat term used to bully people to include("represent") disabled people in their works of art. The demand to have disabled girls in a porn game is a  particularly vulgar example of this since the girls must be sexy and being disabled is not sexy.

5) Criticizing a piece of media because (some of) the characters have the wrong skin color is a typical example of racism. If the artists envisions them to be white/black/whatever(for whatever reason) so be it. Unless there's some actual reason for them to have a different skin color(historical figures should be their actual race in most cases, for example), complaining about the race of the characters is racism.

6) The whole thing with objectification, cheating and text choices to make them fall in love is quite literally the point of harem VNs, so if that's "problematic" you're arguing against this kind of game in general. I'm not gonna discuss the validity of this since you said you liked this game and you're here in the first place so you don't seem to actually have a problem with this, also this is kind of a tired debate, this line of reasoning has been discussed to death in the killer-games debate already.

7) "Only a privileged, heteronormative, sexist, racist, while looser could have made such a game." is a cheap insult with leftist-buzzwords, I'ma assume you don't actually think I'm literally just making valid criticisms and meant to use the word "literally" as a generic amplifier instead of meaning literally literally.

What you describe as "the right mindset" is being a hypersensitive leftist with victim-mentality. I do see the point. In fact, I'm seeing beyond it.

See how productive it is to imply that someone is not in the "right" mindset or is not seeing "the point" is? ;)

I'ma have to agree with yarow here. The fatphobia is not only in the spin-the-bottle scene and Panzer IV Jack, all of the girls are borderline anorexic and conform to socially constructed beauty standards. That's by far not the only problem though. The game is also ableist, why can't the player be with a girl in a wheelchar for example?? As yarow also mentioned: skin-color. Not only for the MC but also the other characters. Why are so many of them white? Also the whole setup of the game objectives women, just say the right thing and they'll all fall in love with you and don't even care that you're cheating on them all the time. Only a privileged, heteronormative, sexist, racist, while looser could have made such a game.

Since not everyone will recognize the sarcasm, I'ma say that it is sarcasm here. I respect Caribdis's games to much to actually be a troll in his comment section.

Once in a lifetime is an awesome game already and Caribdis surpassed themselves with Eternum a hundred times over. And neither Once in a lifetime nor Eternum are bigoted in any way.

(1 edit)

I doubt that it's financially viable to use professional translation for this project. Don't forget that the tastes Ravager caters to aren't exactly mainstream, and also, due to the nature of the content, it is problematic in some countries and on some platforms, Patreon for example censores the game to some exent and it is entirely censored on Steam in germany. Bad translation is annoying, I know. In fact I am German and when I first started the game and selected German I switched back to English because I'm quite good at English and reading it in the original language is way more pleasant to me. But for people who barely speak English a sub-par translation is still better than none. If you've read poorly translated mangas you'll know what I mean.

spoiler: iirc you don't get to lay him instantly but you'll get the opportunity later

Extract the Zipfile and double click on Ravager.exe

(2 edits)

Overall Ravager is among the best H-Games I've ever played, if you're into the kind of things this game has to offer, you can stop reading here and just start playing.

I wanna start the long part of my comment with the basic premise of the game, the idea to let player take the role usually given to the antagonist is by itself already interesting but not that novel anymore, yet I've never seen it executed that well.

In other evil-MC games, the player is often either forced too much into being cruel or evil, either simply by a lack of options the game presents, which is frustrating and breaks immersion, or narrative apologetics that excuse the player's behavior too much and thereby drain the actual evilness from it. Another problem is that the consequences of and the writing after evil options sometimes seem short and vapid as if the writers just want them there for the sake of it rather than maintain the notion that the MC might actually be evil throughout the entire writing process. Ravager exhibits none of these problems, stays clear of forcing unnecessary moral ambiguity, and even better: It manages to incorporate machiavellistically justifiable "evilness" (eg. dooming woman to be raped by kobolds to win a war) alongside pure, pointless cruelty. During my playtoughs I often felt free to do as I please, be merciful or cruel at a whim, scare them, spare them, rape them, kill them, whatever I please, yet I've also often felt the necessity to make the fate of characters a strategic decision. This is astonishingly well executed.

The next thing I want to touch on is the decision to have the MC decisively be a Dragon. No scaly humanoid with horns and tail, no shapeshifting into humanoid form or any other excuse to make the MC a human in some way. This feels very refreshing and makes this a very appealing and interesting fantasy, not just another basic H-Game fantasy sprinkled with animalistic traits.

On the narrative side of things, the game is good at presenting a satisfying power fantasy, giving the player the lethal form of a dragon, with all the perks that come with that, while not being invulnerable, esp at the beginning. When looking for them, there are cracks in the facade though: When attacking Sabetha and Inej for example the fight seem somewhat contrived and not really authentic IMO, but given the sheer amount of unapologetic fantasy in the game and that MC is a dragon, nailing this kind of thing is anything but easy and overall the game does very well in that regard.

I also really like how information is exposed, it risks leaving small gaps in the player's understanding of the world to have the player think about it and/or have things fall into place from other characters or plotlines without leaving the player too clueless at any point in time.

In terms of characters Ravager has some weaknesses, Balthorne and Darja especially are rather bland characters(although Darja is very likable) and yes I'm applying rather high standards here, compared to many other games(esp. H-Games) Ravager's characters are perfectly fine, and considering how many characters there already are compared to how big the game is as of now this is excusable, but still, I feel like there's some lost potential there.

In terms of assets, the game already good but still feels a bit scruffy here and there. IMHO it could use some nice artwork for more non-sexual and semi-sexual scenes(like the one biting Balthorne's arm, or the one heating up the water in the minecart with dragon fire). One example where such artwork would be nice is the scene where you can kill Heloïse yourself for a specific reason(not gonna elaborate to not spoil it here). I have no experience developing VNs so idk how much development resources these artworks cost(nor how much this kind of project brings in) so maybe this is a limitation given by the scope of the project and also, as the disclaimer at the start of the game says, the assets might not be final, but I think this is worth pointing out anyways.

I've been playing on version 4.3.12 so if there's a later version, things might have changed.