Didn't realize you made this is 24hrs but loved it for what it was ! 1st game in the video !
Definitely looking forward to when the full game is finished, high quality demo for sure ! Think this was the 3rd game in my video !
Nice game man, enjoyed it, loved the vibe to it ! 2nd game in the video
Played your game and had fun with it ! Was the 4th game in the video
Had a great time playing this ! 2nd game in
Alright. Bet 😎
Loved it mate ! Please let me know how to get all ending and how you got the gun which is shown in your demo video. Would love to run it back again !
Love it ! Short and sweet and has gained a lot of recognition for being so!
Lots of potential for this game, definitely like this story type of game and look forward to when it's finished! Please send me a message once it's done and I'd love to run it back !
Great game and you got me with one of the jump scares xD
Fun little game, good atmosphere and vibes to it !