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A member registered Jul 21, 2016 · View creator page →

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Amazing game! More please :)

Długie. Pobieram, ale kiedy znajdę czas na czytanie - nie mam pojęcia.

Lemmings :)

So - good game in old style. Excelent for relax.

Definetly worth play!

Dopiero zacząłem, ale już świetny klimat. Brawo, doskonała robota!

Yep. Check this moment at the end of my clip. I wanted - but I couldnt.

I was not able to jump between walls

Oh, I will try... one day :)
Here is where I fall :(

3rd level too hard for me :(

Short but nice!

Amazing story! Bravo!!!

I will try again for sure. Even better I did not finish because viewers will be curious how it's end and check this game personally :)
BTW - I am bif fan of this movie. When all was explained I was really shocked.

Amazing game! Thanks for this!

I am running in empty woods... Nothing happens...

Less than 2:50 :)

Z testowaniem Twoich dzieł :)

Nie nadążam :)

I enjoyed it very much! Died at last screen... :( More games like this please!

"Uwaga - może urażać uczucia religijne" - zachęcasz :)

Jak dla Halika, to musi być super :)

(1 edit)

I cannot run this game with Speccy :(
But I play with FUSE :)

It was pleasure

Fun and surprising game :)

My gameplay here

Gram, ale strasznie dużo literówek:
Jego czaszka ma trszy oczodoły

Słyszysz jedynie jej oddech. Z kządą chwilą coraz szybszy

Itp. Przydałaby się redakcja przed publikacją :)

(1 edit)

Dopiero jutro będzie drukowane, niestety. Zarobienie max :(

Wygląda obiecująco. Zagram.

Poleciłem znajomym :)

Here is my gameplay. Lovely game, meow!

Be sure - you have my money :)

Gimme more!!!

I like it!

Yeah, I know. I play many "slow" games like this. Anyway - it's my opinion.

Eh... I felt bored in few minute then for a moment enjoyed safe zone then bored again and quit. Sorry. Make it more dynamical please.

Even 6th

I got 5th level :)

I am not able to start and redefine keys :(

Monkee makes all fun.
"Boo - I am ghost"

I was there!

So people have a chance to see how it's look in this mode :)