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A member registered Mar 19, 2020

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pretty sure thats a route that hasnt been finished yet

i love all of them

alright! i didn't see the announcement so im sorry for having you repeat it again haha

but i actually used google translate up until the interactive part of the game 馃槶馃挃 i enjoyed it

bruh same 馃槶 especially when mc was looking for him

short and sweet game! i went through all the routes and loved them all

gorgeous demo!
i fell in love with dex. i'd love to see more interaction with him, assuming he's one of the secret love interests? 

the music was great too!! there's a lot to unpack but it really fit well with the scheme of the game

beautiful. this game is just wow 馃槶

(minor spoilers)

i first downloaded this game thinking nothing much of it, but this game truly surprised me with how thorough and atmospheric the plot was. i finished mikail's story all in one go, and i admit i was especially lost during the tunnels. it was embarrassing as i couldn't exactly grasp the concept, but i managed to scrap through it, so im fairly happy with the ending and epilogue i received. ilyon is absolutely wonderful. i've fallen in love with his character and all the decisions that ultimately lead to what he truly believes in. it's nice how the mc of a story is actually logical and able to think for themselves. this isn't something i'm used to, but i certainly welcome it. and dare i say mikail has left an unforgettable impression on me as well? he has a solid character build, and i adore his little remarks from time to time. they tangle with ilyon's and it's cute to see them banter haha. they have become the objects of my affection.

the amount of depth and knowledge i have gained from this experience is phenomenal. i'm not a very bright individual, but i can't help but dwell on the subjects that were touched on during the plot. it's pleasant to read through them and formulate your own opinion whilst also deciphering what ilyon, mikahil, and noctisse felt at times. which was hard since im not exactly skilled at figuring out stuff 馃槳yeah it just caused me to think over the entirety of my life choices.

don't even get me started on the art style. it's divine. i love it so so much. i don't know what way i could specifically describe it but the artwork truly brings everything to life. everyone is gorgeous my brain can't handle it. !!! btw the little animations that cause them to sway back and forth is appreciated and i really am just in awe with the game over all. there's so much more thoughts i wish to unload i think i might as well write an essay on this game lol 

i only got a glimpse into keska's route so i'll definitely finish hers tomorrow!!

also do you ever plan on making this game not free? honestly i feel a bit spoiled as i just played through this masterpiece with no fee whatsoever. 

is there a way i could change the dialogue to english? 

i really like this! :))

(1 edit)

this is simply a gorgeous game! the money was well spent, and i've fallen in love with all the characters (especially neri & sala.) i love the concept of gaining points. everyone is depicted so well, with their own specified reasons behind the way they guide themselves. (minor spoiler if u would count it) however, i wish there was more of a thorough analysis of the characters in the end, for nazir was a difficult person to understand if you had been in another route other than his.

nonetheless, the plot is very engaging. it captivated me at first glance in the demo and continued to amaze me with its detailed artwork. the romance is also very subtle at first, it slowly eases the main mc into it and does not rush the love. i can see the effort that goes into the game. i'm certainly grateful for having the opportunity to experience this! thank you for your hard work! <3

This game is absolutely gorgeous.  The amount of detail and effort put into the characters and their dialogue- wow

I can't wait for the character at the end of chapter two, he intrigues in the best possible way.

this game is gorgeous