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A member registered Jun 12, 2021

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what is "lia" and why does she replace Jay, also some of the buildings dont have colloison so you can pass through them.

also there shouldnt be sooo many rooms in any house just make the houses one big inside area instead of many small ones

what time does she shower?

please add a gallery please

You really need to add a gallery so i know if i get everything.

dang this is different than the other prolouge and a whole lot more sex scenes, i noticed the whole demons cant do any sex stuff has been removed for obvious reasons, and i actually had to do a new game to get the stuff i missed

i have mixed feelings when i cant just get all the sex scenes in a single playthrough tho so i hope i dont have to keep track of more than 1 playthrough, especailly if it hits the "you are stuck in an apartment and must grind your way thought the story" which i normally wouldnt mind but that puts a hamper if i have to do multiple paths to get all the scenes

otherwise a damn good prolouge, gunna wait for a few updates until i play again tho

taking only a few seconds of damage and failing and having to start over is frustrating as hell

i think jessica is haunting me after every dialouge box lol.

no its before every starting dialouge box she just comes onto screen and then slides back, and it happens during battle as well

holy shit this is a good demo, infinite resources,  the ability to build up the entire base easily to know what will happen in proper gameplay, npcs with lines of dialouge and movement so you can get a glimpse of the characters before hand for later, infinite sprint and a whole world to explore. i was rightly impressed. in terms of beta/alpha gameplay the ability to inneciate the sex with goblins is all thats needed.

good work, im gunna keep an eye on this game

definetly needs some sort of decision tree cause there seems to be a lot of content that the player can easily miss, and i want all of  it

all that reading was a bit oof but glad we got to explore her character and such all at once, i think the only thing i want out of more updates is just dating the girls more with it being tied to the story progression, cause i remember in my first play through i think i missed most of the girls and accidentally continued the story with less content.
so something that tells me what i can do before i progress the story would be nice. i really want to play more cause its really good

Forgot to update, yeah making a new game fixed the problem and i was able to continue the story, i liked the new positions and btw there's a little clipping with the dick in the doggy scene. I think prone should be available whenever. Also what do the aphrodisiacs even do? I havnt downloaded the hot fixes yet and I couldn't tell what the p named one did

Other than that I'm still enjoying the story and the effort you put in.

I think the only new thing that happened so far is her asking for the vaginal thing, and the better skin, which i think i already had the better skin, i have the laptop but nothing new has happened, gunna restart with cheating and see if it fixes it

game makers need to stop linking an event with the devices time, espeically if its not an easter egg but event people would want to play

maybe this would've been better on the actual update it happened, but am i actually able to get normal jackie to cosplay? or is it just Jackie(?)? cause normal jackie wont do it

you really need to add a main meu gallery for both chapters because the in game gallery changes based on the options you choose so each playthrough can be slightly different, which is annoying,  also the in game gallery doesn't have the text boxes and i like the dialogue. 

so a main menu gallery to unlock every choice and such with the dialouge of the scene would be great

ok so just letting me pay with their body allows for groping, letting them work for you gets you a pantless scene, how do i get the other scenes?

whats the discord for this game?

yeah, shes just my favorite

FUCK YEAH AMI BOOBS AQUIRED!!!!!! honestly you might wanna add a version of Ami's sex scene for her to be topless or naked, its always bugged me that her bra stayed on

so like the free versions will have the old characters? thats cool i guess

wait so some of the girls will look different to avoid copy right strike? will that only be the steam version or like will that be the thing now?

i dont think i like how your the used girls alert the other girls based on time rather than distance but the rest  i think is really good

nice updates but i think you really need to work on the gallery, its been forever

whats the difference between the full and free version?

also alices nipples look weird to me when shes masturbating, like ive never seen nipples that long aside from like fetish art

Omg liz's hair thing she has on her left shoulder, i thought it was a bit of bone and muslce coming out of her shoulder, like she was wounded or undead, it took a closer look to see its just a ribbon or whatever on her hair


wait the cosplay girl? oh

i honeslty cant remember anything about a jack or jackie, who is that?

whats even the difference between the free and full version?

ok so while it wasnt my worst fears, which i deleted my ask about, it does still fucked up having to deicde slaying or sparing them

on the .6 version the kanzaki special favors doesnt have the regualr outfit image

how many of what materials do i need to fix the tower? i dont have a quest log to tell me. unless im not supposed to worry about that now and just focus on relationships, cause i still cant tall to fira and i havnt had pichi solve that yet

also if i could hover over items in my inventory to read them instead of constant clicking that would be better, and for the items to be sorted by type, like moss and slime and put together with the rest of the slime and moss, instead of the same type of item all throughout the inventory.

this game seems really good and i wanna play more but the ui makes my eyes hurt and it doesnt seem like my character is improving. its very unituative or something. my stats seem to not be consistent depending on what im looking at and im not sure how each decision affects that stat. i maybe just dumb but listen

the changes id make is

having the day and time be displayed on the normal ui so you dont have to go to another screen to check, show the stat change with each option, cause it seems the "fat" and or "stamina" go down with each training and chat session but it doesnt tell me, tell the player how much of the item is made in crafting cause i couldnt see it, the quality and quantity is not obvious to me and i cant tell if each item is supposed to stack or not. i am so confused at the alchemy screen.

tho i guess ill have to play more to get a better feel of the game some quality of life things other games have just dont seem to be in this game.

when will .6 come out for non patreons? i like waiting for 2 updates so theres more to do between each playthrough, and there is a lot of stuff in .6 compared to .5 so id rather not download .5 just to download .6 a little while later