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A member registered Jul 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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I guess i should give up on making games since everybody always says I am not original and all that, like I cant make a game by myself it's hard for me but when I watch a tutorial it actually shows me what to do, but when people say I should try implementing it somewhere else, I CANT, I forget everything, and since I can't be original I need to follow a tutorial.

yeah ik

(1 edit)

thats how the game is it's supposed to be fast

And guess what when u finish the game it says Menu and at the start it says start and exit so I added my own little things

And guess what when u finish the game it says Menu and at the start it says start and exit so I added my own little things

chill it was my first game

It was my first game ever like chill

Yes it is Coop it is my first game ever so I decided why not add my own levels not just 3 so yeah I did follow brackeys tutorial

Ok thanks for the suggestion I will fix that in the future :)