I have to do more tests but it seems to be working, thank you!
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Page 15 is the same as page 14 but actives on rainy days (that's the only way I could make it work with my weather system, since a conditional branch was not enough), page 16 is the same as the last page on the template. I think the problem is with pages 6 and 9. Since they only run when the player interacts with them, the common event cannot run the self calculations page (this page can only run when self watered is on). I need a way for the self calculations swtich to turn on when the player has not watered the plants. I tried activating it in the common event, but doesn't work either.
The template is working properly and I've even managed to implement a weather system that works well with it, but I also want to make a system where crops die if they are not watered. I've created a "<self> sickness" variable that keeps track of how many days have past without the crop being watered and added it to the same event page where crop growth is calculated, but it's not working. I think the problem is that, if the crop is not watered, the "<self> calculation" switch won't be activated and the calculations event page won't run. How could I solve this? I'm attaching screenshots of the relevant event pages. Thanks in advance.