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Light Elemental Lady Luminara

A member registered Feb 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

•♥•Well Thank you very berry merry much for the provided share of informative FeedBack &

         Information. Also ecstatic that the Missing Toys have returned to Inventory!


        HowEver, not thrilled that the previous Sword Strength of all Luscious Ladies & Heart Health

        of Heroine haven't returned. Not only are these Adjustments not clear, but that they even

        occurred isn't tolerable. With that in mind, Thank you very berry merry much for the Good

        Times had. We bid you adieu.•♥•

(3 edits)

•♥•Hello, Fellow Heroes & Heroines!

         Has this Bug happened to any one else?

         Currently, previously Rewarded & Event Shop Purchased Toys from Sultry Silk Road Market

         Events {Pussy Market} is MIA {Missing In Action} from Player Inventory! All Luscious Ladies within

         Heroine Harem Status is significantly reduced! Even the current Event Monster on Stage

          Attack Power is now way down...!        

         Hopefully this issue will be addressed & rectified post haste.•♥•

(3 edits)

•♥•Deer Coffee is Right.

         Event Goal (14/25): Open Epic Chests In The Dragon's Delectation Tower 1 Time...apparently is going

         to be the Final UnFinished Quest encountered, since the last Epic Treasure Chest received was before

         the start of Event Goal (10/25): Open Rare and/or Big Rare Chests In The Dragon's Delectation Tower

         2 Times...thus Opening the Saved Epic Treasure Chest was a must to have a spot for the 2 Rare

         Treasure Chests; which took a Second Evening to receive after the Quest initiated. Even 1 Legendary

         Treasure Chest dropped before  this Mission started, so if Luck happens to produce an Epic Treasure

         Chest before this Last Day of the Event ends, it would no longer matter due to the Wait Time it'd take

         just to Open it.•♥•

•♥•Event Goal 4/25 : Open Any Chest In The Dragon's Delectation Tower 4xs...isn't accurate. Opening a Victory Chest doesn't contribute to this Quest's Requirement.•♥•