Almost a nostalgic feel, its them retro pigeons or something
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It's a sweet little melody! There is one exotic thing though that kind of surprised me, and maybe that was your intention, but : You seemed to start in the key of G-major, with a little melody with a good bass, that's alright. But then from the 9th second, when you do the rundown from A to A an octave down, you're playing an F and not a F#, which would make it G mixolydian. Nothing wrong with that, but when you have the expectation of G major, that F (third note in the rundown from 00:09, as well as 00:45 ) sounds really dissonant to me.
So if you'd like to do an experiment you could switch out that F for an F# and see how that sounds. Nice work !
I like it! I agree with the description of the whimsical vibe. To me it starts with a certain ambiguity, almost creepy and fit for Halloween, but then you come out with that (i think) C# major chord at around 15 seconds, quite hopeful and nice, injects some positivity and wonder into it. The rest is a nice exploration
A very interesting piece. The low tones give it an almost ominous vibe to me. Also, it starts in a 3/4 waltz rhythm, but in the 3th bar going to the 4th, something strange happens : The waltz pattern starts again on the second beat of the fourth bar, which was pretty disorienting to me. This can be an artistic choice. Overall a dreamy and nice song, good instruments as well.
I don't know why i played this game, but it was better than expected. Edginess and strange weeb humor, it brought me a sense of nostalgia. Good soundtrack, it really made the game more enjoyable. All in all, it had the feeling of a group of friends with diverse personalities enjoying their time and sticking together, working on a goal. Good stuff
In Necessary Evil, you play as a young boy in a monastery. You overslept and missed out on a roadtrip. As punishment, the nun in your monastery sends you to a place to get supplies. This will have interesting consequences.

Try it out here, i'd love some reactions or feedback. Keep in mind that this can be considered a prototype. It does contain slight horror elements :