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A member registered Mar 05, 2022

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(1 edit)

Just regarding the last point, if it's only changing one dice then some bits of the examples listed under accuracy aren't correct:

/// Example: In the example above, pistols have +2 Accuracy. If Adebayo's mech has no Evasion, the attacker could choose to turn that 46 into a 35. Instead of missing, it hits the bottom right square of their Carbine. (Should it be 26, not 35?)

/// Example: In the example above, Adebayo has 1 Evasion from having moved last turn. This means that the attacker has 1 Accuracy instead of 2 Accuracy with their two attacks: they can’t change the 46 enough for it to hit (as 36, 45, and 56 are all outside the mech’s parts grid), but they could change the 23 to a 22, 24, 31, or 33 (going for the mech’s Reactor, Long Range Processor, Thrusters, or the middle of the Virus Probe). (Should it be 23 to a 22, 24, 13, or 33?)

I just read another post pointing this out, no worries

Loving the game btw, very excited to try it out ^_^