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A member registered Jun 26, 2024

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The fact I get to rap during a horror game is all I needed in life.

Didn't even have to jumpscare me to get me to be screaming. Amazing game I need to beat it at some point tho lol

One of those demos that makes you want to spend money on the full game.


I wanna make more boba right now. How much is a boba shop?

All I'm saying is this wasn't a bad apartment to live in...

Definitely here because Steam takes money for themselves while is set by the developer 

Truly is all you need in this world lol very nice short game.

Very cool concept and liked how I got to swim around! Keep up the good work!

I was scared the moment I saw my mic being used lmao. Really fun game keep up the good work!

This game made my editing a lot of fun. Loved all the different little "mishaps" that happened during the game.

Daddy need to chill bruh (game starts at 10:09)

Very fun game I had a blast playing it!

Had me stressing at one point. An overall very fun short game! (First half of video)

Very fun game. Got me multiple times and was on edge the whole time!

Very cool concept and design even though I'm terrible at trivia I still had a really fun time seeing what was going to happen next!

This was a very well thought story and insane twist! Thank you for making such a banger of a game and can't wait to play part 2!

I had totally forgot that I had watched someone play this before but I played it fully and enjoyed every second of it! The stress was top tier and I'm glad I got to play this game for myself!

Had a great time playing this game! Kept me on my toes the whole way and figured out the secret without searching it up lol. Also very sick how you have creator content for thumbnails!

Very awesome little horror game! I enjoyed being able to use my controller and how it was like resident evil games with the fixed camera angles! 

Very fun game! The animations were on point and the atmosphere was very nice! Can't wait for your next game!

I saw the warnings in the beginning of the game and thought "nah not this game" and boy was I wrong. Very cool game had me using my brain a lot more than I'd like to admit lol.


I'm glad you liked it lmao! I already got cohabitation in my list of games to play next!

Very good game! Had me in my feels but had to push through to see the end. Meowmie the realest one I know.

So very nostalgic seeing the "horror maze mouse game" but being able to actually play it was such a treat! Great game!

A very unique and fun experience that I was not prepared for! The soundtrack is insanely good had me dancing!

Amazing story! Had me actually invested enough in Auggies story to get both endings! Never had a dull moment!

Very good looking and interesting game! I somehow speed ran finding the rocks making the game feel short but it had me at the edge of my seat the whole time!

Very beautiful looking game! Even though it's a very quick one it definitely had me on edge and got me good lol

Good game! Very silly and goofy yet still got me multiple times with the little jumpscares! Some bugs made it pretty hard to replay over and over but I enjoyed it overall.

Realest game developer out there

Very interesting and unique game! I was clicking on everything I could trying to get out of there lol. Keep up the good work!

Really itched that gambler in me lol. Actually was a very teeth-clenching game and I had a blast playing it! Someday I will figure out what's behind that door...

Very fun game! Had me tweaking the whole time and got me with multiple jump scares! Thanks for making such a good game and I will be ready for your next game.

(1 edit)

Amazing game! I have loved every second of it and I am determined to get all the memories! Thanks for making such a great game and can't wait to see what you've got cooking next!