Good to know, thanks!
Hexed Press
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The Realm of the Mountain King was my entry in the Hexcrawloween Game Jam! Currently available in a mostly complete mini-setting “ashcan” edition.
The kingdom ruled by the current King Highmount is a rugged landscape of strongholds carved into the mountainsides that look down over farmlands that huddle against the Tumbledown River. At its furthest reaches, to the northeast, fertile fields spread out from Greenmarch Castle. The village of Hawfeld marks the far extent of the realm.
Zine Contents
- a fully-keyed 20 hex realm divided into six regions
- wandering creature table for each region
- rumors and tales
- a simple reputation system for gaining renown in the kingdom
- ratlings, piglings, spiderkin, and other creatures
- B/X and OSE compatible format
A free demo is available.
Are you familiar with Azgaar’s fantasy map generator? Check out their export options— that’s what I would aim for. At minimum, I would add some image exports (JPEG, PNG, etc).
I set up a placeholder project for my jam entry. I'm streaming my work process live as I do it and posting the videos to the project's dev logs, if anyone is interested. Good luck to everyone with their creations! I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Do Anything D6 Wilderness, a rules module for my Do Anything D6 system is live, PWYW.
Do Anything D6 is a system-agnostic TTRPG supplement for resolving tasks. This supplement adds support for wilderness-specific activities, such as those that might arise in a hexcrawl or other wilderness adventure.
Hey, just wanted to drop a line to mention that I enjoyed the Exploits advancement and I mentioned it on my stream today.
Kudos on the game!Unlike sub-classes, Prestige Classes weren’t tied to a particular base class. Instead, a character had to meet certain requirements. For example: to become an Arcane Archer, a character had to be an elf or half elf and meet a minimum to-hit bonus. They didn’t have to be a fighter. I can’t remember if druids began as a sub-class of cleric or if there was an independent class version in Dragon magazine but the game’s approach to some of the extended classes had some twists and turns before they settled down.
I posted another dev update to the Dungeons module. If you want to skip the link, it's a stream that I conducted yesterday:
Did you mean to reply to the dev log post? Assuming the answer is yes, the link to the post is:
If not, let me know!
I created a placeholder project for the dungeoncrawl module for Do Anything D6! There's nothing there yet but a devlog post but I will hopefully have a version of the framework up soon!
I wanted to create a generic task resolution system that I could plug into any game that I might be running. I started off with x in 6 (my base). From there I chose 1 in 6 as my baseline. Great, but I prefer a high number = good, low number = bad approach so I flip it to a target of a 6 instead of a 1 (still 1 in 6, still x in 6, in my mind).
Now, I decide to, instead of modulating the success range (ie. 1 in 6, 2 in 6) to express either difficulty of the challenge or levels of skill, modify the die roll for skill. A low level character with a skill would be +1 to their roll, giving them an effective 2 in 6 chance, even if I am expressing it slightly differently.
But wait! What is all the dice pool business about? I’m glad you asked because another inspiration for this system is the troop combat system from Chainmail which uses a d6 dice pool! Troop combat is, obviously a combat system, not a generic task resolution system, but it uses an ascending x in 6 chance. Their dice pool system is interesting but it can be complicated so I tried to formulate something a bit different on those lines.
Now you could say, well gee, your system is much closer to that than x-in-6, you should have said that instead. And my answer is: maybe? But inspiration isn’t a clean thing. The other element is that, for my audience, and the audience I perceive this framework will be most interesting to, x-in-6 as a starting context is more useful than Chainmail troop combat. I could have laid this all out in the document itself but I didn’t think it was worth the word count. I thought “based on” pretty well had that covered. I started with x-in-6 and I ended up here. If you legitimately felt bait-and-switched by my phrasing, I sincerely apologize.
Whelp, 2023 has come and gone and so #Dungeon23 has spawned a host of sequels for the new year. Myself, I've chosen to take on #Lore24! To that end, I'll be putting together tools for that endeavor, starting with a prompt generator. I've also, because in for a penny, in for a pound I guess, started a game jam to share work.
Regardless of whichever flavor of 24 you choose, good luck!