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A member registered Aug 19, 2021

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as i'm already reply to someone (23d ago) suggestion
here's the way to be able to cum so much in this game, BUT it also - 
some additions to what could be exploited in game(and probably player need to be cheating to gain a lot of money instantly)
if the MC's/player have a lot of money(or already has), and the player want's more "injecting fluids" times(maybe a crazy amount of times) player could do this trick:
-buy a lot of "Endurance+" and "SempillX" with 70:30 calculation or as much as player want's from the drug store and then go back home
-consume the "Endurance+" as much as player want or everything at once, just don't worry the mc WON'T DIE(I've experienced to have more than 1k times "injections"), then consume the "SempillX"(or more) to restore the "injection" to the max.
-it also make player gain more sub easily by "injecting fluids" constantly, and that what the viewers wants(at least that's what it's looks like)
some addition to fix this problem(for Dev.)
-just make the warning of the drugs true. then add some story that if the player choose to ignore the warning and consumes more than 2 in a week(like overdose or something), then when the landlord came to "have the money" eventually the story is up to the Dev. mainly it's game over because player ignore the warning, you get the idea of what it could be.

iris module need to be fixed(already got my reply. thank you for that),
adding hyper realistic skin module(maybe for future updates to support exploring the town with bot),
add "damage" (if exploring outside with bot is available then an event could happen when on it that could damage the bot body part, the worst is the part could break completely depends on how much abuse or damage it got)
add more location(s),
add more story branch (depends on player choices and i'm curious about the landlord daughter),
add some random chit chat with the landlord(because in the end he just walk away ignoring mc after counting  the money), 
add more hint? (the bot tell player about anomaly in stonk.ic but didn't tell it's up or down. no need to be specific)

i think it's too much to ask, i hope ... don't mind, if ... do ... could just ignore it, i'm okay with that. like big daddy says "if don't wanna do it, no stress :) don't worry about it, just having my suggestion here"

just my Opinion for 
no 1, i think it couldn't be done, because in order to make their trips to the outside world safe is to update the "Big Daddy store" first, the skin module needs to be upgraded from changing the skin color to "hyper realistic artificial skin" or better, it's been used in many film, by film maker nowadays in RL, got the idea right? the game itself is in the future setting so.... yeah, it should be possible. then in order to support the theory, it needs to be a new location like a clothing store that also sell accessories, the bot need something to wear before go outside and the rest is depend on the Dev. team.

no 2, it's already done, remember the fist time anon tell the bot to do some dish washing?, i think what it needs is the actual "action(s)" of the bot when it do the chores, then the rest is depend on the Dev. team, probably could add friking action when the bot do some chores.

no 3, the answer probably depends on the player choice(when Dr. Blau's asked how about MC's feeling of certain issue he has)

no 4, i don't know about this, i think, from the begining of the game, the status of the bot is as a "frik bot" that only have 1 purpose "to ensure owners satisfaction" (i guess), and with the improvement/update it downloaded, it enhances the capability. but i could be wrong, maybe in the future there'll be the choice not to "violate" or "exploit" the bot for the mc satisfaction or main story line, and probably more choice what to do to the bot and it's future in the begining.

no 5, well, i think what you mean is 'the bot being more submissive' when the camera rolling, and use it's capability to give more pleasure to the mc. but as it is a bot and the story tells 'the bot have artificial intelligent and more touch sensitive sensor than a human in it's body and probably can download any personality it wants' the bot could just have any and/or every fetish it wants in command or by itself.

well, that's it from me. hope nobody get offended by this

(1 edit)

about the "new event 1", i think it need to be some phases for the bot like:
phase 1 'she would ask the mc to frik with the bot(not in high lust)' then
phase 2 'if you still choose to not frik the bot, it'll masturbate or pleasure itself until satisfied and in this phase probably when the mc is not home
phase 3 'probably the bot will beg the mc to frik it(high lust)
phase 4 'in this phase(unbearable lust), make it a bit creepy like the bot turn off the light and lock the door then probably frik the mc out of consciousness or could be something else entirely, it's up to the Dev. team.
took the inspiration from the "teaching feeling" and "1room: runaway girl" games

about the "new event 3", i thought the priest bot is male honestly. mainly because the way it speak, it's difficult to tell without the voice or sound i would say

about the "new positions", i agree it need more position to choose but think about mainly putting heavy metal chunk on top of a body will affect the body itself, and cowgirl i think it need some effect to the mc if the cowgirl position would be implemented like it would affect the MC's energy and a bit of mental health. for example if the MC's energy is capable of 10h frik non stop, it would reduce to some amount of time (but i hope not to much effect unless it would be not cool).

about the "Improvable stats", yes, after meeting with the doctor the game is basically end(the progress is still being made, so be patient).
i am quite disagree with the character(s) stats because i think this game is more like a visual novel(?) but the player choose what could happen in the future of the game, i think adding more feature will make the game more complex and more time to wait by player for the updates. but if it is turns out to be good for the game and story line then i'm in.

about the "faster game progressions", here's the way, BUT it also - 
some additions to what could be exploited in game(and probably player need to be cheating to gain a lot of money instantly)
if the MC's/player have a lot of money(or already has), and the player want's more "injecting fluids" times(maybe a crazy amount of times) player could do this trick:
-buy a lot of "Endurance+" and "SempillX" with 70:30 calculation or as much as player want's from the drug store and then go back home
-consume the "Endurance+" as much as player want or everything at once, just don't worry the mc WON'T DIE(I've experienced to have more than 1k times "injections"), then consume the "SempillX"(or more) to restore the "injection" to the max. but later the mc will experience "the body feels like breaking" or something like that when player check the status(it'll gone in a few days).
-it also make player gain more sub easily by friking of course and "injecting fluids" constantly, and that what the viewers wants(at least that's what it's looks like in the comment section)
-longer time to freak? easy! just consume "Vinegara PREMIUM" it'll make the mc frik 24h non stop with the upgrade from the "advice" above. NOTE: frik with more injection + more energy = more subs = more money
some addition to fix this problem(for Dev.)
-just make the warning of the drugs true. then add some story that if the player choose to ignore the warning and consumes more than 2 in a week(like overdose or something), then when the landlord came to "have the money" eventually the story is up to the Dev. mainly it's game over because player ignore the warning, you get the idea of what it could be.

about the "new locations", i think the game need the story first. after that with the improvement of the story (i also hoped) there will be a new places to explore, the game just not there yet. we don't want the Dev. only updating the game once a year or more right?(probably dont want to ended up like GTA)

and whoa... too long for a reply i guess, but i hope the Dev. also read this to put to consideration for the future updates