Thanks Bez! Glad you enjoyed :)
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Closeted asexual gets sucked into a computer. Hijinks ensue.
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XP Adventure: Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series jam comments · Replied to Norbez Jones (call me Bez) in XP Adventure: Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series jam comments
Hey Bez! Thanks for letting me know—I knew the balance was going to be hard to get right with that one, especially since some people might be using a trackpad or have different screen sizes. I just updated the game to add an "Easy Mode" to every boss, which you can select after one game over and will start them out with less health. Let me know if this helps you! Another tip: this is sort of cheating, but if you zoom out on the troll fight, it becomes a lot easier because everything is a lot closer together on the screen.
XP Adventure: Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series comments · Replied to Ether in XP Adventure: Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series comments