This was so much fun! My favorite Milo was definitely the charismatic version, but his rugged and violent counterpart had its charm, too. Burning love was my favorite ending, for sure. I kept thinking it'd be fun if he bombed the school during my playthrough (I recently rewatched Heathers, sue me), and then he did! I guess you could say it perfect love?
Recent community posts
Horror tag is no joke (´ . .̫ . `)
Jack was so unbearably weird and creepy that I had to mute the game just to keep playing (´⊙ω⊙`)!
Perf for yandere, he makes me want to claw my eyes out ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
He is the most unlikeable and disturbing character I've ever encountered in any sort of media ( ̄ヘ ̄;) I was horrifed the entire time and had to take frequent breaks while playing ಠ﹏ಠ;
Highly recommend for those with strong enough will ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Oh, no worries! Really, they're not that bad. Something I've seen some creators do is write all the dialogue in a Google Doc or Word before adding it to the script, since those programs can help you check for errors. But, grammar mistakes or not, you've still created an amazing, horrifying work of art. A few odd sentences isn't going to change that. Good luck with the rest of development!
Played this at 4 in the morning, which I believe was quite possibly the best time to play this game. I really liked it. The dirty, grimy aesthetic, the depictions of gore, the offputting apathy of everyone around, and the mystery of it all tie together perfectly. I did notice a few grammatical errors (like, one or two), but they could be solved in a few seconds.
I would recommend changing the pronoun function. Being able to type your own name works because the spelling is never changed unless you're using a possessive (in which case, you can add 's after the command). This doesn't work with pronouns because of the different derivatives (for example, when you input a singular pronoun, the game later says "they/she/he going to run away," when it should say "he/she is going to run away," or, "they're going to run away."
Because you can only add one pronoun, all the derivatives are lost, leading to odd sentence structures like the example above. I don't know much about code, but if you want your players to be able to choose their pronouns, you could implement something similar to what the pronoun dressing room does, where you manually input your full set of pronouns and then choose whether it's singular or plural.
You can also avoid pronouns altogether by replacing them with the player's name, which would be far easier.
Sorry if this comment isn't totally coherent (I have lost the ability to tell), it is currently 5 in the morning, and I think I am about to die. No regrets though I had a lot of fun playing
Spoilers included
Goodness gracious, that was quite the surprise. I really wasn't expecting that ending, though I did have my suspicions about the narrator being their own character. I really enjoyed this work. You wrote in your note that the mermaid was the weakest storyline, but I still liked it quite a bit. Her backstory wasn't as fleshed out as the gravedigger's, and her character wasn't as pronounced as the princess's, but the death depicted in her ending was so visceral I think it will stick with me for a long time. I was also fond of the witch. Knowing the story is written from her perspective really changes things. The fact that the protagonist never had her own dialogue and that the narrator, who was quite opinionated, would occasionally speak in first-person did not escape me.
The use of choices rather than a text box being used for Rosette's dialogue really made it feel as if she had become her own person. Her and Meada being the only named characters further solidified the feeling of being alone, with the other characters being nothing more than puppets on a string.
I also find the uniform Rosette wears to be quite interesting, as well as the mentions that she is "not from this world". This seems to reference the fact that she is in a created world. I believe she may come from one that's similar to ours. However, the mentions of her being well-bred and seemingly implied to be a noble make this a bit unclear. Of course, those statements don't actually come from her, do they?
The point of the matter is I enjoyed this game. The writing was phenomenal, the art was pleasing, and the real-life photos were edited in a way that didn't clash with it. Not to mention the music and the textbox details (maybe it's odd to point out, but I really did enjoy the textbox, especially the button sounds); all in all, it makes for a brilliant and immersive experience.