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A member registered Mar 23, 2020

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"Updated 19 minutes ago"


Wait wasn't the left guy buff as hell

I am once again asking for an android save function :x

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I am from the future. I have bad news :(

Edit: and good news

For anyone that forgot where the last update left off. It was uh, funny clothing store awooga

Irc you probably missing chelsie cgs. She's dallan's best friend and you can choose to help her in her lab and .. well see cgs

Finally got around to playing tate route. I must say this is the first vn i play different routes just to experience the story just because it's pure fun. 

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Generally people aren't going to make a video game just to spread a virus. You're safe to download pretty much any visual novel with a bunch of comments and ratings on

Also here's a piss easy way to test if you have legit 0 PC knowledge. Install the VN on your phone. Phones can't get viruses. You can then play and see it's a real vn

I didn't get any itch notification for this, anyone else same problem?

Thankfully I keep tabs of discord

Who is oliver again

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Yeah even if i don't like therium i always find this game to be fun and enjoyable because of the writing.

At the end of the update I did get ominous text about unlocking a "new path", which i'm assuming is scribbles path because i cockblocked therium at every turn until he wanted to sepuku me

Tbh I'd love to play as therium and try take over the world with my minion army

It's a unity game, no idea if they use some plugin or it's all custom

Yeah i'm also confused who we are supposed to be in the story but i'm sure we'll know in second update

That was pretty awesome for a first build! Never saw a 3d furry vn before. I'm unsure if we are the wolf, tiger or the sniper lol. I assume we're the tiger boy

Is there a reason you encrypt the game so it installs every time you open it though?

Hm, it's more manacing than jumpscare i think. It does have some floaty words or icons that appear sometimes but it's not on the level of horror zombies appearing on screen

You got me.. I thought i'd have to wait months for the real-real update lol

Yeah that's a bit confusing then. Is dragon palace a building or a dragon family? The context was i think "longgong technology made the incense burner"

The start is a bit slow but been loving it lately. Rare to find a mc capable of fighting, especially together with such an op group lol. Cgs are great and i love the artstyle in them

There's some tiny weirdness with the translation, like I think "longlong or longguang" (i forgot), i'm pretty sure it means dragon technology in the context. But for the most part the english translation is good enough to enjoy the vn

If you've been waiting to read it, now's a good time. There's a lot of reading hours in the first 3 chapters

Thanks, I could play the 2nd chapter too now

After end of first chapter it switches to russian 

I'm excited now for others..

Why would the artist leave?

I had no idea what you meant by power ranges until i read the build lol this vn is crazy and i love it

Honestly pretty disappointed. I feel there's a way to write the whole "screw everyone else, i'll save the person I love and run away somewhere!" but this just felt bad. The stupidity of the mc, the carelessness of not taking additional guards, the damn sex scene 5 seconds after allowing cultists to summon moloch or whatever were the opposite of what i wanted lol

Not to mention the sheer amount of chances they were given. The bear could have smashed that guy's skull in a second and then came to rescue the mc, the mc could have tricked the cultists or called for backup.I mean they have to keep him alive if they want to use him as bait..

Like i'm a sucker of edgy stories but this story clearly is trying to paint the mc as some selfless savior hero, so why does he act like a selfish dumbass that will get millions of people killed by hellbeasts? If i was roderick i'd be raging mad the mc decided to save me and usher doomsday. Roderick still has relatives alive, does he not think the mega helltide or whatever this spawns will kill even more people?

It's like you tried to make some kind of mc that attempts to be the hero and responsible king, but just ends up as dumb reckless selfish maiden in heat. I have no idea where this is going. Some kind of love power redemption arc?

The whole "oh we will get the entire world killed but at least we have each other :))" was just the opposite of chef's kiss

Well at least i must read the next update lol

Discord link isn't pointing me anywhere and it's not a hyperlink

My biggest gripe was how each route felt like same things happening but talking to different person about them, this new vekad adventure just might make the vn a lot more fun to me if it succeeds

very nice stuff

Spent a few hours yesterday reading, this game is pretty damn good! I think you should post a devlog/post thing so it shows up in the updates btw. I followed you on my phone and when i got to my PC, i couldnt find the game in my updates section because of no devlog. Also the links to your websites are pretty hidden in the more info itch button, they can be icons or links in the main page instead

I'd let him choke me fr


The part with the lady? Yea i'd be pissed too if I waited 20 minutes for the store to open. And she dares buy a newspaper the mc dislikes, the horror lol

Curious if this vn will actually flesh out the horror supernatural aspect or will it be just oo spooky thing you dead/wake up.

Oh God I realize now what the chicken picture is about lol

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I hope android build works out, cus it doesn't work with joiplay (pc on android vn emu)

I wouldn't be so sure

Loved the update!

This pleases me

it was long ago but i'm pretty sure they did bang..

Great update as always! I liked the fight animations

Ok that would make me want to go with the demon o_o