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A member registered Dec 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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I think they are all extremely beautiful. If you don‘t like how they look on the preview images, then you most likely won‘t like them in the game. Especially since the screenshots are images found  inside the game. 

Your comment comes across as entitled. I’m still going to answer, I just thought I should point it out. There won‘t be an Android Version of this game.

Tell me if you still want to hear the answers to your other questions.

The update is out

i update on all platforms on the same day. This might change though. I could imagine  giving patreons „early access“ in the future. For now it‘s just an idea. 

i haven‘t announced it yet, but it will be out sometime this weekend

Dev logs on this site only come with new updates. I write Progress updates every few weeks on my Patreon. They are usually one week behind a paywall and then go public so everyone can read them. This opened for the public today.

You're right. We are close to the next update. Usually, I estimate 1-3 months for every release, but this one was slightly bigger, and I had a lot of real-life things to do.

I hope you mean the textbox and quickmenu buttons, because then there is. Try pressing H while playing the game. This schools switch between three different modes. Normal textbox, invisible textbox, no ui.

alternatively, you can also configure these modes in your preferences tap

It's a harem game with a slow build-up. Sorry for the late response. I read your comment a while ago on my phone and forgot to answer.

this is a bug in the latest version of the game. If you have already seen Fiona wake up, then you played through all the content currently available. I forgot to change the last message to say that it‘s the end of Episode 4 and not the end of Episode 3.5. 

I assume you‘re from Germany. Steam bans the sale of porn games in Germany. The link should work fine for any other country, except china.

No, you dont. Once you buy A Foreign World here, you will always get the latest updates.