Quick Q for the publisher: Are there any plans for another print run of the physical artifact? It looks amazing! In the meantime, looking forward to reading a digital version!
A member registered Nov 03, 2022
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The Mole on PIRAD ONE - a corporate horror adventure for Mothership 1e comments · Replied to hijkw in The Mole on PIRAD ONE - a corporate horror adventure for Mothership 1e comments
The Mole on PIRAD ONE - a corporate horror adventure for Mothership 1e comments · Posted in The Mole on PIRAD ONE - a corporate horror adventure for Mothership 1e comments
Looking forward to running this with my crew! Just a heads up, though, that I also have trouble with four of the five downloads. Fortunately, the full-bleed file opens and prints fine. The others are wonky: the original two only open through my browser (Firefox), and the "Apple Previewer" files are so low-res that the print versions are blurry and impossible to read. (I use the Skim PDF reader.)