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A member registered Oct 03, 2018

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it is scene when you go to Tocchan's parent house. It is kissing scene when the Tocchan's siblings peek them.

Have you get the CG yet? i played 2 month after the event in maid cafe... it is not trigger anymore... Or should i make Toru Top-Dom?

When is Fanmeeting actually? i remember it is around December when i played Shuu and Tocchan;s route  but I never triggered it on Hikaru's route...

1. at 8th is scene on TV station, i forgot the requirement, it is scene when Hikaru being blindfold and haato slapped his butt.

2. 11th is after the scene at fireworks on July and you win the jankenpon, the next day when you had 1st time for sexy time on hotel, you must lose the jankenpon, then Hikaru will topped you. 

3. 13th is when you visited ponpon land
4. 14th is Christmas
5. ((i don't have it yet))
6. best ending Hikaru, when you choose correct answer and win the awards

anyway how you get the 10th pict? :')

I forgot to get this, i think You should give him BJ (lick his d*ck) 3 times or put your di*ck to his mouth to unlock these.
(he must be submissive if i am not wrong)
Still don't found the CG 10th and 15th :'( how do you unlock these

(1 edit)

it is around 19 October for amusement park. 

May i ask, how you can find CG next to Hikaru plays on guitar on Christmas event? i miss that one, thank you

oh got it! Thank you for the info

Hello guys, anyone have done Tocchan's route? :') i have tried combining things and also played him 2 times but still missing this 2 scene, i am stuck..
i can't find his CG when he is wearing pink apron like the teaser shown.
Appreciate your help Thank you~

ooh the foreplay also triggered the scene too... i forgot about that :')

Thank you for the info~ i (we) will be waiting for guide hehehe

Anyone know how to triggered this event? Shuu is my best boy overall :')  appreciate your help, oh also did this game have unofficial/official guides for getting each character CGs/scene? i am really enjoyed his game but lost at the same time  :')

I downloaded it one week ago... then i should re-download again :(
i think there will be separated patch or something like that ^^
okay, thank you for the info :)

Pardon me if i have wrong threads here...May i ask, if there are any update, should i re-download all the game? (976 mb) or there are some patch for update only? Thank you