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A member registered Sep 13, 2021

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grinding for 3 days.  i got it 6h  before end of event.

very very stupid event!

i wait for foxed event for missed girls with adequate quests  and prices ASAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(3 edits)

yea??  may be u got aztecs??  the most stupid event for all this time! stuck on epic chests in tower and grinded 3 days.   why to do quests that total randomly?  

this event was for chance to get missed gilrs.  was no any chance for me to get even 1 missed mistic!

hi.  was goal 5 chests, I opened 4.  now it say - 2 chests, and i cant complete this goal. 

super, tyvm!

dude +100500

hello. i have discord, but your invite link is invalid

yea, exactly this thing! i reached floor 3, and instead of climb me up and get reward for 3 third league, took me back down!

why u down me olready second time??   i was already at floor 4.  up me buck!!

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меня уже второй раз после вашего стремного апдейта опускает по лиге. в первый раз до 7 уровня. я поднялся за 2 дня до 4. сейчас снова опустили на 7. 

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same problem to me.  and in 3 chests of legend wasnt one event girl.  i opened only for her.
@  HIL

in tower i get the same opponent time after time. max 2 of them. please change this stupid upgrade

u still didnt got one ?  just upgrade any girls set

sure its real chars but stupid cpu playing by them. who will sit so long time and wait me? ^))

very dark screen with opposite girls is another bullshit of this game. just darkled opposite char will be enough.

next time take better screen please. i cant see nothing.

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with a bit o money is more then possible.  some of the girls i have too.  and with help of events is possible to get many mystic cards from chests.
see how much silver has top places in event

can some1 write here what order of event quests?  i have from epic girl only ^(

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earth girls can use this to advantage. and win water too. very stupid law, done sniper shot more useless.
wasn't any news about changes.  very angry on your organization.

what about merging and fusing upgraded gems of the same color?  is it a new law or bug?

hello. what do u thing about the current event?