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A member registered Nov 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Red times are optional

Thank you! Im not optimising for browser too much, so things like that can happen I guess :^)

Is this on phone?

Yes, new puzzle just got added in patreon version 

Game is not finished, 0.3 is current public version.
As for arrows, it is for changing Idle pose, If I understand correctly (not above, but on the side of her head) 

Delete save from appdata, or clear cash (probably) for browser version 

Browser is a bit wonky, there is too much wrong can happen with it 

Well, game was fully clear by multiple people, so it's definitely not impossible :) 
But I will look into balancing toward the end of development anyway 

Sorry I mean platform :)
Is it browser, windows, mac or linux 

What is the issue? 
If it is about appearing speed, you can adjust it :)

Which version of the game? 

I will review unlock progression, and possibly lower dificulty times, but red difficulty (for excisting games)  won't be changed much - Im mostly happy with it, maybe some minor tweaks 

you have to press x for menu to pop up, if it is not there yet. Idk if you can do it from phone 
iirc in this release menu is off by default 
In most resent build, which will become public in a few days there is buttons on screen you can press instead of hotkeys

Wow, what a rapid fire of releases! 
Have a lot of checking out to do :o

Ye, animations are surely taking longest to make  :D 
A lot of japanese doujin circles just putting few screenshots at the beginning of new game, with simple text explanatons.
Sometimes they just put them in the game folder lol 

Very good concept as always, looking forward to see more content for this game! 
Tooltip for items would be nice, as I couldn't figure out what they do by myself xd 

Make me wish I have more time to pick up chess again!

Composer just made youtube channel
It's scuffed atm, but he's working on it :^)

Game native resolution is 500x500 pixels (I think), and it should scale up in those increments. 
So as long as you window is bigger than 1000x1000 or 2000x2000 It should scale up. 
Although im not sure if it works properly on bigger monitors, what's your screen resolution? 

It should be the same

You have to start over? Is game hard lockes so you have to reset your save?

It only happens on the knees?
Get stuck how, can't choose actions or can't do anything? 

You don't need top speed even to get red, 60-70% is enough 
And you shouldn't go for reds unless you like to suffer anyway :^)

It's supposed to only play once (in browser too, unless you using incognito or smth) 

You can bypass intro by clicking through the comic and reloading the game

I'm looking into it, so it will be fixed eventually (hopefully soon) 

And game will also have more content by then :)

Of course 
There is no need for gallery, since all scenes are available at all time

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions!
I am currently thinking of ways to improve memory, I'll do some changes next patch.
How do you feel about time requirements for reds? Were some of them too easy, or too difficult ? (aside from memory, since it getting reworked)

It is 1000x1000, but it's probably get adjusted to viewport of a phone.  Just making it bigger won't do anything.
I can rearrange things to fit a little bit better into the phone and make separate apk, but it's not designed for the phone viewport. 

I will probably do proper phone version once the game is finished

I haven't figured out what may cause this yet. Sending player.log from appdata/locallow/HimeCutStudio (discord or twitter dm) might help

I tried to compile apk as it is and tested it on emulator. It functions, albeit poorly.  I have no idea how it would scale for phone thou.
Embed version should work for phones, try waiting a bit, it doesn't show progress bar on loading.

Few people have this problem. I'm trying to look into it.
If you playing Win version, sending me Player.log from appdata/locallow/HimeCutStudio will help a lot =)

I'll think of the way to make pattern game more predictable.

As for freezing dialogues, are they just freeze, and you have to click again, or do the softlock the game? Are you playing in browser?
I couldn't replicate it in desktop version (and none of my patrons playing desktop got this before either afaik) 

Thanks a lot for taking time to provide feedback <3 

Did you think some red times are way off, and too hard/easy? 

Wouldn't hurt making memory sequence more readable, I'll think up the way to do so.  

Punishment really does suck, I'll remove it. It made sense in development, but practically missing by itself is punishing enough.
 Also I found longest sequence a  bit too exhausting, I'll probably cut it down to 6  buttons, or will try to make game in general bit less random. 
I did speed slider for memory in the last moment before release, and I think it saved the game, making times more dispersed and skill based. Maybe I could do something similar here :p 

All lights on wasn't intended, but It's fine I guess, like all ender eyes being in place on end portal in minecraft (but not as rare lol).
I never got it during development, and got it once yesterday, while getting all red times, so it's pretty rare I assume

Ye, that's on my list for first patch already

Wow, nice job! I wish I could pin this :D
It seems to me, that solution to [7 lit 1 off] position being most useful to remember. I feel like that alone will get you gold times consistently  

Not in a while unfortunately
Some people had success playing browser version on android thou.
At least game will have more content, when you get your PC  :^) 


Thanks Impy <3

Yes, it is perhaps a bit late, you'll need to clear about 5-6 stages for first unlock. There is not much interactions for now thou, but putting them closer to beginning might be a good idea. 

Softlock wise, dialogues will wait for queued animations to finish, and then might require an extra input to close. I will investigate it closer thou, and maybe automatically close last lines like i did in hima.

Thanks again for such quick feedback :3 

I think its called lights sometimes.
All you have to do is remember few patterns. Knowing how to solve 1 light out situation already enough for gold times at least 

I would generally try to all 1-2 interactions each update, while also working on some features from the list .
For next one - probably reworking interaction interface, and at least one more game board  
