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A member registered Jun 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yea! i think its a lot better now!

no linux install, sadness :(

cool idea, cool tool! a few points tho, the color scheme (no offense) sucks. maybe consider changing the background to a less vibrant color like black or something or maybe provide like multiple themes, idk?

hey, i love your tool, its a good idea executed efficiently and simply! a few points tho, maybe add a filebrowser button or something, its a little inconvenient having to manually enter the path

(1 edit)

Cool app, cool idea, love it (ps, was this made in godot?). A few points tho, it may seem nitpicky but plz don’t write your description in 100% all caps, i dunno if its just me but i find it harder to read without lower case letters + i don’t really love the app’s color scheme, maybe add some simple customization options? other than that pretty good!

Love the simple yet effective art and the clever concept, but the level seems a little long and can be a bit boring in parts. Consider making the level shorter?

Does anybody else find this game (the web version) unbearably laggy?

Thanks for the feedback, I ended up rewriting the entire camera system :P

(1 edit)

Still in development. Also note this is the third game i've ever made, so it'll be a little buggy!

the godot game engine