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A member registered Oct 02, 2023

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Just wait for the update, the game still in development 馃槉

I also face same problem, do you find any solution for it bro?

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What does it mean by this, everytime I try to use the Cheat Code the 'you need to find katie first' always pop out, I already try find her and interact with all of her option. Someone help me 馃ズ

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may i know what the difference in special version 1.0 and regular version?

Appreciate that 馃槉 

If my comment triggering you then I'm sorry for it, hope everything fine now 馃榿

Hey man, that's okay by me. I just said the only thing that ick me is just the behavior of the mc towards akane , besides the mc behavior towards other girls are perfect and I love it. It's not like I'm forcing the dev to change it I just said "IF" the dev can somewhat make the mc behave a bit better towards akane that's all. If can't then so be it I'm totally fine with it my guy 馃榿, plus I'm just voicing my opinion that's all so yeah hope you have a good day my G 馃馃徎

Another gem I found other than siren's game.... although only thing that kind of turn me off while playing this game is the interaction between mc and akane, I feel like the mc became totally moron and with each progression of their story it's start to being more annoying with how the mc behave. Maybe if the dev manage to change how the mc behave toward akane the story might get even better. I really enjoy the interaction between the mc and other girls, it feels perfect but when it comes to mc and akane suddenly the mc just being total shit or just stupid even. Don't take this as a insult, the game is great just needed a bit of fixing on one part and everything will be perfect :3