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A member registered Aug 12, 2018 · View creator page →

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Kenney, you're a god damn wizard.

Pretty fun and great looking game. The sound track is soooo good. *swoon*

(1 edit)

Honestly, the tileset is pretty organized and was easy to use with the tilemap editor I have. But i'm pretty confident this sprite is missing in all of the color variants for Overworld:

This is from the Custom Minimap example image included in the pack, located at the top center-ish area.

This looks like (and I believe intended to be) tall grass or square bushes - either one works for what I'm looking to use it for. I can easily steal it off the example too but I was hoping to have all of the color variants.

Thanks again!

(1 edit)

Smaller goos would be awesome. Ones that are 1/4th the size of the current goos, so I can make them appear when the bigger goos die.

Also, I see in the screenshots and examples you have tall grass, but I have scoured your sprite sheets, and I can't find anything similar. I checked multiple times and I still may just be missing it but some guidance on where I can find tall grass would be awesome.

EDIT: I felt like kind of an ass just replying with wants, but i want to say again even if you're too busy to reply or whatever, this sprite pack is amazing and anything you give after this is extra to me. Thanks again!

I'm going to nudge this comment. If you could create a pack of pixel slash sprites in as many variations as possible, I'm sure it would sell. I scoured the internet for 2d pixel slash sprites and came up with nothing. If you sold your slash sprites alone with the guides, you could easily make $5 a pop. I would've paid that much for them in heart beat - especially with how good they look and the amount of effort you put to help make sure they could easily be adaptable? 100% worth it.

Great job again on the sprite pack!

I've been using this pack for about 2 weeks, and it's amazing. It literally has everything you need to make your own Not Zelda game. The biggest thing that I got from this pack is the slash sprites WITH item positions. No more spending hours trying to figure out how to make a sword swing manually or find the angles myself. This dude did all the work for you!

The animations are superb. The terrain looks amazing. Everything works as described and honestly, I'm hoping you release another pack for a different Not Nintendo game.