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tem uwawaAUwwa

A member registered Dec 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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oh ok

ur lame :T litterly u have the dancing banana gif srsly who even has that?

do you mean DETERMINATION?

its pretty good its more than ill ever be able to make ;w;

the only attack ive masterd is spare ;w; i cant do any of this lol good game tho

how do i get unitale?

im hOI_i_iz_tem

oh hey the gif it shows from the game is of soledad i know them are u soledad?

but how do i rename them?


thats slightly intetonal i think bc if u collided at the right spot u could get the secret/real ending! cool right? besides staring up at the world getting farther and farther away is pretty cool ~w~

no its not its funny if u stay and listen to the guy talking! O^O

idc im sharing my opinion and ur not the boss of me! >o<

hey it doesnt suck u suck so there ha its a rly great game have u even acctuly played it or did u just type it sucks bc it rly doesn’t! >;<

ohmigosh yas i watched this on ur channel and played it its SO fun and very creative :D

omg yas i just realised this is by sam hogan i love the games you make

i wish it was on browser