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A member registered Jun 13, 2022

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I wish this game was longer I loved it even though I was so confused

(1 edit)

is this a loop game? Even though this is a simple game based on choices, i feel like i need an explanation.

This game was my first kinetic novel and was fun to play. The music when you open the game was amazing and I listen to it sometimes without playing through the story. Did you create the music or get it from somewhere? what's it called?

Actually, in Japan at the time this game came out the legal age for an adult was 20 or 21 but they changed it this year

Fuck I guess I won't be playing this.  I have to spend my money wisely right now since I'm in college.

Will you charge money for this game once it's finished?

I would appreciate that very much! thank you😊

So, I played through this game multiple times, but I don't get the story. I'm probably just being a moron, but can someone explain it to me? I'm so confused😞

Monster XXXperiment community · Created a new topic Update

Things in the game look a lot better than the last time I played this game! I was surprised when I started the game to see the protags hair not so scalp tight

I love this game and I'm wondering if there will be any sequels to it since you end up with one of the other characters.

I don't remember much but bottom Kun's cheeks weren't pink and when the employee looked over and the question mark popped up, I was by my closet picking stuff up.

also I think your game might be broken I wasn't doing anything and got noticed

you can move about 20 times before someone shows up

It's not the clothes

Not what I was getting at

How did you fill out the entire gallery?

I Liked the game and all, but Periwinkle reminds me of a little girl😑 I think he could have been a better character if he had a more expanded closet and not just wear dresses all the time because it was starting to get boring, and it would have been better if his haired changed throughout the chapters because I feel like he would be the type of person that can never decide what they want to look like for the day.