tis a shame, we are now seeing yet more attacks. I hope C survives the onslaught
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glad to see that creative passion and desire to make art defeats admin abuse. I know the game is not back on the site, but maybe one day itch will stop abusing its fringe creators, that or at least be clear and concise about what is or is not okay with them (see smashwords publishing for a way to correctly explain what isn't allowed)
anyway, good luck and can't wait to hear more
not sure i can send you a list. it's pretty extensive. typically I just click on 'devolper logs' and look for cartoons of small boys or girls in pictures. there's tons of them and its impossible to avoid them even when I tried lol
I typically search for feral/xenofiction first and foremost though. they just tend to overlap a lot
after all the shota and loli stuff you can buy on steam and to my surprise GOG, i think that itch is just abusing it's tos to attack fringe creators sometimes. Now granted, the icon was probably a bit much, I rarely think about those myself, I just like to make them sfw so that people can share without worry, but still. with all the stuff on here like Little Man, Town of Pleasure, etc, it should be just fine as a concept. (though you should also probably put a 'everyone is 18' whether they are or not doesn't matter, people just like the warning to feel better)
and if itch really wants to ban loli/shota content, they just need to directly say so. Smashwords is very direct with what is or is not allowed, why isn't itch on the same level? we came here because they advocated for freedom from places like steam, but so far their not living up to their promise
may have come off as confusing. What I meant was, normally games are hosted directly on itch.io, not on megashare. it is odd to host your game on megashare. My only thoughts are either its on mega cus its such a large filesize, or because itch.io gets real weird with how adult games are allowed to make money. The only issue with that is that Lessons in Love is like 9GB and I belive its still hosted directly on itch.io, so this is probably some way to get around the payment thing.
unless I misunderstood? Why did you put this on mega instead of directly on itch.io?