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A member registered Jun 22, 2020

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hey so when does new versions release publicly? After like a month or so or after the latest build is done?

would make the game much more enjoyable to control since its platformer, thank you.  

any news on controller support?


uh hey thought you guys should know theres a glitch on the fourth day where you are talking to hima in the laundry room.  Their sprites both show up on top each other over lapping and oh yeah, are also naked XD

Im gonna strongly recommend getting the checkpoint system to work in a future update.  I am just not that good to make my way flawlessly through a level to see new animations

Hey is controller support for traditional game pads like xbox gonna be a thing? Platformers on a keyboard just feel weird

do you guys plan to add full on controller support? Platformers play best with a game pad!

the bloody last one, its really hard to speed through cause enemies

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couldnt beat the time trials so I couldnt see the bonus if its anything worth it I wouldnt know, share it with me privately privately if anyone cares

Uh so idk what is goin on here, but the sex defeat is on but dont work.  I set settings before starting a new game so idk maybe that made it not work

Aight so I was able to find out that you can be saved from getting shot if you do certain things, but is that also the chapter end? Or is there a lil more content after?

I enjoyed it till the invincible monster part that just kills ya in act 2, Its great but that part sucks ass, couldn't finish the rest

hey can the game be completed in exploration mode? Im just wonderin cause I couldnt figure out how to progress

stuck here, got everything else mostly, but idk how to get the one in the top left corner and cant figure out how to get what seems like extra scenes with steve, and I know the other stuff at the bottom is dildos so help please?

Not to sure how to get those extra scenes with hima at the end of day 1.  I wonder if someone has made a guide for how to get every scene

Theres a wolf character that ya shoulda found early on in the forest spots of the map I think.  Also breaking the crystals just makes the dragon fight easier.

Im dumb, I need visual step by step to understand things

Also would be nice to know where to find mods

ant sex ant sex for next update

Not to be confused for the Fallout 3 or 4 dlc's Mechanist I am sure... Unless youre into that, it is a text adventure

Again I must say, like the rapid progress that we see here, and I am looking forward to the past self fucking later next build!  I did notice some misspellings in the last update though.  So I am curious to see if they were fixed since I totally forgot to mention them the last time.

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Im disappointed to say I'll have to wait and see what we got by next year.  I cant spare money like at all right now.  Its quite a serious matter, but I still would like to help.  First thing I would do with the funding is hire some people who can help with proof reading.  Premium content needs that extra polish.  And then after that maybe seeing if any artists are interested.  Visuals for every encounter would be an undertaking for sure, so the voting can be used to prioritize what gets an image or not.  

And uh I dunno after that, but to me thats a good start starting out.  

Wowee you are certainly working fast now! I shall see this later, looking forward to it, if I find anything worth pointing out will update 

Very nice, so if the patreon is successful enough is there plans to have art made for the game as well? The much more detailed scenes would benefit greatly from it.

Ooh nice, I wonder whats the price to play new updates will be.  1$ is a very generous admission price, but I dont expect that since most patreon only stuff seems to be about 5 or 10 dollars usually.

Cant wait to check it out though, am curious though are clone encounters implemented or is that for future updates?  If that is part the few secrets then nevermind!

The screen go black on game over and the stage music just keeps going

Oh btw if anyone know where to find more lewd bad end simulators please let me know.  I used to do rp with this concept and to this day this is the only thing that is exactly like that.

Im glad this is is being kept going unlike Underdim.  I liked that txt adventure as well but the creator had other stuff to do and life things like that

Oh yeah I know its a wip, wasnt sure if it was feasibly possible to do the clones in every area.  That I imagine is a lot of extra effort

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I gotta say, I like it.  I had completely different encounters on a second playthrough in the forest planet, weird.  But I like the idea of running into your clones... Which is kinda strange when it dont happen on the other planets, you should really implement the feature outside one world.  I went back to the two planets with cities in them expecting to see a clone behind the brothel front desk or finding on in the streets begging for more dick of the three mooned place.  

This was great while it lasted, I do hope to maybe find this again updated

Me too, much excitement 

yaay, I like this alot so I might become patron before it maybe

Welp. got the tower of wisdom quest and cant proceed, guess thats all there is then for now?

I have also found a few typos from what I have read so far by the way.  I havent actually noted them down but if you're looking for some extra help I can go through my saves and such.

Hey is there an eta for a new update? I plan to jump in the sequel after act 1 so I'd like to know if its soon

Oh man I am always down for a new image or two on older entrees.  I dunno where we will be in like, a decade but if this became a trilogy an all in on would also be neat.  Anyway I guess I should get started for now, I am currently working up the courage to waste several hours trying to find the end for act 1.  I have a feeling I may end up playing all night! It happened several times with My Very Own Lith.

Hey is the game still alive? It's been a year

Hey just wondering if act 1 is completely done since theres an act 2.  I read some of the comments and well, Im just being through