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Btw, i already try in exe version and everything work fine in my godot editor for example paused in game, change option to full screen and continue playing game . It seems there probably have some problem with browser version. I will put windows exe version in this page so you can try it

I'll look into that later and make the necessary fixes. For now, this game is just a small, casual experience that you can enjoy in a quick 5-minute session. I don’t think it’s worth keeping such a short game on your computer. However, if there are updates and the package grows with more content to explore, I’ll upload it as a downloadable game.

Thank you! For the last dialogue scene, it will work like a usual dialogue with a blank canvas. I'm currently working on drawing the scenes in my free time, so there will be a big update for the dialogue later, and possibly some alternative endings. I appreciate the feedback about the menu and music playlist, I'll add that to my list for future updates. I'm also aiming for a minimalist health bar user interface