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A member registered Mar 14, 2021

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1) Diplomacy Lv1 = + 75 fairies

2) Diplomacy can hire gnomes removed from the game!

3) It is necessary to limit the army to 7-8 slots. 

Otherwise, the enemy comes to you with 16-20 slots.


1. Stray heroes (there is no sense from them)

2. The regime of "siege" among the heroes

(let it be a button to reach the location)

3. All (weekly) creatures from external dwellings.

 REMOVE THEM!!! Also, do not miss the move

4. Picture of the change of week. Hit it already.

Well, you don't need her. The eyes are only young.


Make AI a smarter computer to at least capture mines!!!

and again (every battle hero elf summoner)

and Cyclizing the sound of the first move (green) opponent. That's a very unpleasant sound.

(1 edit)

My first battle (Hero Elf vs Gargoyles).




action number 1

of Draw Event

for object obj_con:

global variable name 'triggertaming' index (105282) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_obj_con_Draw_64


gml_Object_obj_con_Draw_64 (line -1)

(4 edits)

1. The problem with the dark mini-map (fog of war appears) when loading the save.

2. The enemy army never escapes when turned auto-battle. Why?

3. I really want to see the button to dismiss the hero and the button to dissolve the army (at the Hero). Often you stupidly hire 2-3 heroes at the beginning of the game, just to put together an initial army. And you don't need those heroes at all. They are superfluous, and they cannot be fired in any way.

4. The change of day window is really annoying. Well, I don't want to see him (many times in a row) and so every move. It really works on nerves. It's pixel, unpleasant, and it can't get rid of it. Disgusting, causes a desire to close and remove the game for good. I don't know how you got the idea to create it? And the main question, why?

5. The problem with the Computer, namely the Heroes of the opponent - they are dumb and do not collect resources on the map (even if they are near their castle). The computer doesn't even capture the shaft. He bluntly immediately goes to war, without resources and immediately loses.

6. Balance is a separate story. The same flying Griffins are 100 times more useful than the weaker and slower Wonders from the neighboring castle, hitting with splash. Why not make Imba Castle - Cyclops? There would be at least some benefit from them and they would not have reached the forefront.

7. I don't quite understand the idea of an arena where you fight against your own army? Why!!!

And such incomprehensible ideas (like random weekly artifacts - full) Sanctuary of creatures (hiring 3 where happens - why?)... And so on.

Let's talk about problems.

1. Very small and poorly distinguishable font. I repeat this for some time. He's terrible as on the menu itself, especially with a pseudo shadow. So in the game itself, the scale is standard.

2. Problems with scale have not been solved! Step aside > 119% and the settings panel disappears in the game selection menu itself! WTF

When opening the window of the city castle, he completely overlaps the panel with resources.

3. Fullscreen is constantly reset (when the game collapses, or when changing the window to add sound or climb in the browser)

4. Why doesn't the game shut down the sound when you force it down? I don't understand!

5. It is long ago to switch to the 64bit version of the game or to make two versions at once, 32bit and 64bit. Modern Win10 supports 32bit only in emulation mode. Very disappointing when your game slows down.

6. And last, he noticed the problem - when a wandering neutral (wandering army) hero enters the battle, the game flies out with a mistake (if this happens on my way). On the move of the enemy, the move does not end blunt.

7. The counter of the new day, which is shown at each new move, is still very angry. Remove this ugly misunderstanding for good.

8. There is not enough button in the castle - to buy the entire army at once. The buttons are to transfer the entire army from the garrison of the castle, to the Hero. And the buttons are to transfer the entire army of one Hero, the second Hero.

9. Camp (5x5) did not even use - some nonsense. Because of the bug with stray armies, the game became inoperable. Constantly flies out!!! And yes, vagrant armies too strong, very much!!! Straight kapets like... In total

1. Very small units, we need to make them larger!

2. Strange management of workers, inconvenient

3. Why not do wall to wall? - AI and buying units when the required amount of money is reached? Plus pumping and improvements, like in Warcraft 3.


So far, this is how I see the development of the game.

Do you know how to get this program with 100% discount? Piracy

In version 0.8 added delete saved. Enjoy the game. :)

(1 edit)

Published today a game update on indie game sites. Received reviews:

- already 0.8, the game is still unstable and crashes (no bug reports)

- now added tokens for each race and you can select the game of the summoner from the very beginning (not only I call Summoner imba)

- Doesn't make sense. The UI is just badly done. This is not a bug. (another complaint about bad UI, not user friendly?)

- In addition, if in the original "heroes" the battles became boring and monotonous only at the end, when the size of the army, territory and economy exceeded what is possible, convenient, interesting to manage, then this is at the very beginning. There are monotonous fights at the end, and here, monotonous fights at the very beginning. (suggested to the person to turn on auto-fight)


Dear Ben, the release of the game is still very far away.

(2 edits)

0.8 Demo: What's the difference between Premium?

1. Error while generating the map.

2. Any map, Horde ("City" in the settings before the start of the game). Impossible to buy gnomes!

(11 edits)

- City -> Horde -> Grade to Kennels and they are no longer available for purchase, at all. Their icon disappears from the store. Scaling 130%

- Arcane Cloister is broken, you pay 1 time 20 mana and buy as many golems for 200 coins as you like. And it should work, 1 golem = 20 mana + 200 coins, right?

- Why don't the enemies run away from you when the auto battle is on? Those. in 100% of cases there will be a fight. Evacuation bridges are not even offered.

- It is not written how much the "Estates" skill brings gold per day and how much will it bring when leveling up? And the amount can be tied to the number of cities and their end!

- The arena, which gives +1 armor or +1 damage, can be visited every week, IMBA. As well as the Arena with the monster (as a treasury). Then, for some reason, you can also leave the army there ?!

- Why is it impossible to unite the pumped and conventional types of troops? They still read through the battle. Just do not show the player that he has only pumped ones, and the second does not. One slot for everyone will be better. And already in the code, register how many of them are, and how many others. (I try to remove all annoying moments from the game)

- I found a funny moment when you instruct 3-4 heroes to go in different directions at once (the screen freezes due to tracking by 3-4 heroes at once and control is lost). Remove tracking of heroes altogether.

- Is there any check at the external dwellings (path to the city), so that they are not surrounded on all sides by impassable rocks. In particular, I mean Shrine Druid.

- Skill Lörning doesn't actually work for Lörgnig Stone. It does not increase experience from the stone. As there was 1000 at any level of pumping, so 1000 remained.

- The question is, will there be (or already exist) somewhere a separate button / icon for the hero "continue the move". For example, on the last turn, I chose where to go (across the entire map), and in order not to point there again (when at the beginning of the turn the screen again switched to my hero), I could press the button and the hero went along the indicated path ?!

- Will there be such a button in the "Hire all creatures" castle? After heroes 3, she is sorely lacking.

(1 edit)

I think you just don't understand the concept of your game, who are you making it for? How long is a beginner willing to spend on average playing your game? - And how long will he have enough patience at the first start? I will answer, 5-10 minutes, no more. What's the easiest way to get a newbie interested? - That's right, give him a taste of victory. If you don't, you will lose a player. This is the first and main rule of the developer. Your game will not be played by hardcore players, they will not play indie games. Only casuals remain. I think you need to focus to keep the player's attention by winning the first 5-10 minutes, otherwise he will leave. And only after the first victory, you can complicate the game by adding new (optional) conditions, saying to the casual - and we still have battles in real time ...

(2 edits)

I liked the auto-fight (can we remove the real fight altogether?). After an auto-fight, I generally don't want to spend 2-3 minutes on a real fight. Real combat distracts from the battle of wits on the strategic map. And so, what problems have I noticed (which greatly interfered with me when playing:

- Very strong enemies that attack at the beginning of the first week! I also have a level 1 castle. And they have already pumped in the 3rd level. It's not fair!

- The Expert Combat skill is very strong, it needs to be fixed. Here is the skill of Diplomacy, in the hands of a computer hero ... Every monster that he attacked joins him. It's not fair!

- Once again, external dwellings are annoying when they have to be driven to the same place from different sides of the map! This is especially annoying when playing in auto-combat mode, where one week is often less than a minute long. And the repetition of the same actions due to the author's deficiencies. (I came up with a blitz solution, let all units from the outer dwellings be immediately added to the army of the strongest hero in the game / computer. This is the most reasonable solution that came to my mind)

- Why does the camera focus on him when moving a hero? And it doesn't let me move on ... And if I have 5 heroes, will I have to wait for everyone's move? Here, either increase the speed by 2-3 times, or activate the hero's auto-movement (in the settings) to the desired point in a second.

- Make the mills like mines, no one will run after them (and be distracted) because of three three trees a week, when the game with the 1x1 auto-fight lasts a total of 5 minutes, and 1x2 10 minutes. Thank.

- When capturing an empty city of computer heroes through auto-battle, the game crashes :)

(3 edits)

As a programmer writing programs for many years, I find scaling 150-175% more convenient for vision and perception of incoming information. Usually, our company creates a test group to solve user experience issues. Release a fully doped 0.8 beta3 with a modified scaling increased to 130-150% by default (at least in the menu) and let people vote what is best for them.

- Found a bug, when loading a game with interface scaling, the mini-map is completely black.

- Plus, at the end of the turn, after this, a crash occurs, a photo with an error is attached below. That turn, three enemy heroes did not share one of my castle :)

(1 edit)

Test 0.8 Beta2

For myself, I would leave the scaling at 175%. Don't look me like that, I bet it's the perfect option for the menu! Look, I even attached a photo.

What problems:

- Pixel font, or anti-aliasing does not work. Maybe it's all due to the fact that it is too small or not correctly selected, I do not know.

- I would increase the font size for the New Game and Load Game buttons by 2-3 times (this is with 175% scaling). In this case, the buttons themselves should not be reduced! We need to play around with the size of the Options menu so that the buttons and menu don't overlap.

- Next, when you click a new game -> another problem, the map selection menu (when zooming). The fact that the menu for selecting a map has increased greatly is very good! But this way I cannot start the game (there is simply no start button!)

- The description of the units when hovering does not show what kind of Lvl they are, and the pumped units have some kind of rubbish instead of descriptions.

- The enemy's turn status bar is located just above the resource panel.

I suggest making 150% scaling the norm and adjusting the whole interface to it. In which case, +/- 25% in both directions (up to 125% or 175%) can be adjusted by the player himself, if he needs it.

The video is attached.

(1 edit)

1. Heroes of the enemy after clearing the dungeon, do not pick up the resources dropped from it. And they just go on as if nothing had happened.

2. When the castle reaches the 3rd level (for people), bonuses are not given. Previously given ...

(2 edits)

But what if we give first aid tents, only to those heroes who specialize in treatment? It would make sense. And take away from engineering, and give out only ballistas. At the last level of pumping, there can be two ballistas (or two tents) at once.


Since it is now possible to choose a hero's specialization when choosing a map, why not give the heroes an advanced specialization (or bonuses) at the start? - They are masters of their craft. A hero with a ranged skill will have a bow with a +1 bonus to ranged combat. A hero with engineering has a ballista from the start. The magician has a book with one powerful spell. A simple warrior hero can have a reinforced army, or a shield and sword (giving +1 to attack and defense) dressed on the hero. You can think of a lot by expanding the number of specializations and the pool of heroes.

(1 edit)

Found bugs in 0.8 beta

1. Improvement of the city Patriotism should give each new hero +2 morale. But in reality it only gives each hero +1 morale. Even newly hired heroes get +1 morale. (although the same skill Mithril Armor, for example, works fine)

2. Does a hero with the basic Engineering skill have no ballista from the start? - Why not give it to him.

3. Keeping completely stubborn (not working). Even if you load them with 0.8 beta. The video is attached.

4. And that's not to mention the general displacement of creatures in the castle when you can't buy a 7th creature. Now there are a maximum of 6! Only shooting heroes-magicians made me happy ...

The problem is that the saves from the previous version (I have 0.8 beta and 0.7) do not differ in any way. And when I want to load the save from 0.7 -> the game crashes with an error. It is preferable to be able to delete or block old saves (when updating the game).


I sent you a list of what I am missing in 0.8 beta.

Let's start with those (your) ideas that you can implement quickly. No time wasting days. Screen resolution, 64 bit version of the game Windows and Android. Scaling the interface ...

See if the races of living heroes have the Leadership skill, which increases the morale (morale) of the squad. That for the heroes of the undead, you can replace Leadership with Sorrow. Since undead have no morale, Sorrow will reduce morale by -2/4/6 (morale) of the enemy hero's units. This mechanic is implemented in HoM 5.


I took the info from the wiki HoM fandom

+1 morale for troops of one faction

+1 morale for troops in the city

+1 morale for monster lvl 7 of one faction

+1 morale in battle against undead.

For every +1 morale -> 5% to the chance of "Super Morale". If the morale has been lowered (through Sorrow), this is already a penalty to the characteristics. For undead, "Super Morale" can be replaced with a half health respawn chance? At least that's how I see it.

I have an important question, can undead and humans be in the same squad of the hero? - Of course they cannot, the problem is that the general morale of the detachment (people) will go down. Morality doesn't work for undead. If a squad had low morale in HoM3, then it would skip a turn. And we have nothing like this, although the hero may well hire two (incompatible in outlook) armies without any drawbacks.

2. If the hero's squad consists of creatures from one castle, then their morale must be +2. And for each creature of a different worldview, shoot -1 morale. The undead will always have 0. And in order to eliminate many debuffs, the player will have to pump leadership.

Morale -1 = -10% attack / life / speed

Morale -2 / -3 / -4 / -5 = -15 / 20/25/30%

(1 edit) (don't subscribe me to spam mailing only). If possible, then compile the game immediately in 64 bit on Windows and Android. GameMaker seems to be able to do this out of the box, as far as I remember.

(2 edits)

I just remembered a funny bug when buying a (escaped) hero in a captured castle ... This hero does not belong to me, although I can still buy him an army. On the next turn, he attacks me with my own army. Now I will even make a video :)

I think it is worthwhile (for now) to limit ourselves to the most common resolutions for 16: 9 monitors. Namely 1080p, 900p, 768p, 720p. If necessary, I can also help with testing.

(1 edit) I publish your game on it +/- daily in updates. On a site with a base of 3000-5000 people per day. Plus a couple more sites with a smaller audience, I also publish on them.

(2 edits)

I understood what he meant. Very small and hard to see text. That's why I suggested adaptive-custom scaling of the text from the menu. From 100% (current countdown) to 250% for people with low vision. On my gaming site, every second complains about the UI 

(4 edits)

Your game has a lot of fans (in Russia). And wishes for its improvement, too.

1. Auto-battle must be added. Can you do some kind of auto-calculation of the percentage of victory between the armies? I honestly admit, fighting every time (knowing that you will be 100% victorious) is really annoying.

2. Necromancy / Demonology only waste precious mana. + 10 skeletons will not bring victory, and using a powerful spell during a fight against a level 5-6 monster (for which there is no more mana left) can.

3. Here people have a problem, they ask to make customizable scaling of the interface (to hit the buttons with the mouse is completely unrealistic, literally). I'm fine at 12-14 inches, but how people play it at 24-27 "I can't even imagine!

4. Can transferring the game to 64bit solve performance problems? You make a game into a game maker, it seems like it can be compiled in 64bit, right.

5. How can you fire a hired hero? Or, for example, kill an unnecessary monster in the squad? - Why is there no such necessary button / icon / shortcut?

6. I attacked the enemy and realized that I would lose, as during the battle (I can exit the battle) and load autosave without ending the game process. thank

7. Why is it impossible to "steal" resources near the monsters? How it is implemented for example in the same heroes 3. It is very convenient to steal (part of the resources) from strong monsters and run away without entering a fight.

8. You can also add an analogue of a mill, a leprechaun, etc. weekly sources of random resources.

9. Small carts from the mines to the castle are annoying. Can they be disabled in the settings? Too childish, don't be offended

(1 edit)

1. There is such a bug, when a computer attacks your castle, you escape from it, then the computer not only does not capture the castle, but it also ends its turn.

2. I would generally prohibit any escape from the city and introduce ransom instead of it, especially since the skill of diplomacy would be useful.

3. When the computer escapes from the battlefield (which happens quite often), all its escaped heroes crowd on the same square in front of the city and, as a result, get stuck there.

4. Another question is whether creatures from external dwellings can themselves be in the castle (already purchased, or available for purchase). It is simply inconvenient to take 5-6 dwellings with neutral to the nearest town and collect them in a heap. Thank.

5. The game often crashes when loading saves. Sometimes they are completely constipated. They break in 100% of cases if you close the frozen game through the task manager.

6. Problem with Necromancy and Demonology (summoning skeletons and demons for mana after the battle). The problem is that it costs mana to summon. Just one call of a pair of besiks or skeletons and a hero with his specialization is completely useless, plus he is left without mana for the duration of the battle. Summoner in general IMBA is another matter.

7. Can you somehow speed up the game itself 2-3 times? So that the heroes quickly ran around the map, and there was an auto battle to choose from and the computer's move did not have to wait a couple of minutes. And in general, a lot of good chips can be stolen from Heroes 3.