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A member registered Feb 08, 2023

Recent community posts

Glad to see you back Mofu! I got scared for a second lol, looking forward to future updates.

bizarre lol

I will indeed.

Looking forward to the centaur girl!

Small penis characters are also a favourite of mines!

I enjoyed the new update and scene! Great work as usual mofu! Here hoping there is more scenes like it or maybe frottage lmao. Thanks again for your hard work.

I believe they were someone elses idea.


Are you maybe playing on your phone as I imagine the controls are maybe not that great, but it really isn't as hard as your making it out to be friend all you need to do is stock up on food and they are relatively easy.

He's a bit over enthusiastic but im sure it's cause hes excited about that game. I'm sure he doesn't mean any bad from it.

Take your time! Your fans appreciate your work!

I love it when its big but it's so cute when its flaccid lmao!

I am even more excited for the future!🤗

Dorlly is sooooooo cute! I think she has taken top spot from Mushna as my favourite!

I am looking forward to it!

Hello fun boss fight mofu! I found my self laughing several times during the fight, thanks again for the update and your continued hard work and effort!

Looks like either Hinoa or Minoto from Monster Hunter Rise, Im sure you will be able to find it with this info.

pretty much this but i guess people wouldn't really see it that way hahaha

Hey mofu, I am still enjoying your work and when playing I thought what could be fun is a POV masturbation easter egg in the minimap screen! I look forward to new updates and eventual release! Have a good one!

Love the new boss and scene mofu, great work as usual. What's next on the agenda for Futakin Valley now?

Hello mofu I'm still enjoying this game and all the hardwork you put into it! I eagerly await every update and eventual full release. I hope the conflict in the comments doesn't discourage you in anyway as I like to think the reason is because everyone is very passionate about your creation!

Loving the look of the new mushroom character! Thank you for your hard work.

Will my wife Mushna be removed? ;_;

Things seem hard at the moment mofu, I only hope you see there is a lot of fans appreciating all the hard work that you do!

Need more of my wife Mushna! lmao keep up the great work.

Mushna atm, after seeing that cum move I laughed and fell in love lol!

Thats good to hear I have been silently enjoying seeing the hard work and progress on this game for months now and since I enjoyed it so much I had to say so lol.

Fantastic game, I always look forward to updates especially with the Mushroom bosses!