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A member registered Dec 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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Nice visual and audio style to go with the theme. Pretty simple platformer and good use of the stones of light to indicate to the player were was safe to drop. Kinda wished I could see farther or scroll the camera when the stones of light weren't present to see if it was safe to drop sometimes.

Very good use of the theme. The visuals and song used all contribute to the feeling of diving through the sky. Nice point incentive to keep the player going to see how far they can fall with upgrades available. Simple, but still fun take on a infinite runner/faller.

Echoing some comments from other people, but seeing where my throw/arc is going would help throwing feel more precise, but the addition of a quick restart was nice. Overall this really awesome work! With how simple and unique the premise is, the strong theme of "giving", and quite a lot of levels going into it (I only got to level 5), this is a really strong game!