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A member registered Oct 22, 2023

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Try talking to chris, she can help level your lockpicking skill

Hello, its me, a gamer that found this, and played it. Its good, very good, even if the first chapter isn't finished. I got to say, the battle system being a mix of Octopath boost but with a combo meter, Persona all out attack, and bait/coward mechanics makes this one of the better rpg systems, might be my favorite even (which I find irronic that I found it in a work in progress hentai game based on konosuba of all things). 

The rpg part is very polished, and every character is good at its role (besides aqua but she's aqua what do you expect), with Kazuma being a good breaker with crits on snipe and many enemy being weak to his sword, megumin being a nuker, with her nuke, darkness which is a suprisingly good tank with her bait and her two abilities making her and the party tanker or to make the enemy weaker. Yunyun just does alot of damage and shock lance does good area damage. Aqua is Aqua, but she does do well in the dungeon with everything being weak to light.

Now the only problem I found is with the other mechanics, equiptment is basicly none existsance, both Megu, Aqua, and Yunyun stuck to the basic weapon, simply because there was no other option, and darkness doesn't need a sword, so it was only Kazuma getting a sword, and you have a single piece of armor to give to one of 4 members, and 2 accesories that give +20 mana. In form of equiptment, there isn't alot, and the blacksmith doesn't update the shop over time.

Another problem is the skill tree, well less that the skill tree is bad, its amazing, you go out and get stones to power up moves, and how you have 1 out of 2 options per upgrade making you need to think which one you want, while swaping easily is very good. Whats not good is that out of 11 skills, only 5 can be upgraded, darkness and yunyun gets no skill upgrades and kazuma steal doesn't get any upgrades too. If they can get extra skill upgrades that would be good.

Also you might want to nerf the max hp you get from building, Kazuma has 170 hp, while darkness had 208 (at level 9), and getting the extra willpower from reading makes him even stronger. Now darkness does have the extra protection stat, but with Kazuma being so tanky, its kinda silly, so you might want to nerf that a bit.

The time bit is good, if it wasn't so easy to get time, early game you can just spam rebuild to get free money, healh, and time, and with adventure/work giving plenty of extra time and 2 weeks of starting time, I never felt threaten of time. Its a good idea, however its barely noticeable and isn't a threat what so ever. 

Now for the relationships, i feel like they happen to fast for the cast (Aqua/Darkness/Megumin) and for other feels nonexistance for others (Luna/Wiz). Maybe pull a persona and make it where you have ranks and each rank gives an event and an extra ability, would put a bigger reason to do the relationships and if it was ranked based it would be easier to see how far you are in the relationship.

Trying to think of any last things uhhhh working is suprisingly fun, is very needed for one part then never touched again afterwards. Fishing is good (like always) just what do i do with the fish. Costumes are cool, tho more would be nice, i have all of them and 10 left over fortune gem. The OST is FUCKING AMAZING. I love it. Reputation doesn't seem to do a lot, but its still neat. Beat the superboss by throwing 30ish fire potions at level 8 and all out attacking it.

TL;DR amazing combat, amazing ost, amazing party members, should work on gear, skills, and try and improve relationships system somehow. For being not even past chapter 1, this is amazing.