Everything seems to be fine on my end, I only test on newer devices. What problem are you having and what device/ andriod version are you using.
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Thanks for the feedback.
Not sure what's the problem with the camera, you can easily just tilt the camera up or down to see where your landing.
Also I have colliders on the breast for them specifically not go in her back. If you look the are just moved back in to the side. Best I could do for the speeds she runs and. And most time its hard to look at her boobs for more then a few seconds and high speeds so figured that wouldn't be much of a problem.
Yes thank you very much, taking notes on everything you said. Also you can toggle the HUD on and off by pressing 0 or 9. Was a developer feature I forgot to remove. It does mess up the Timing in levels. But Ill definitely add this and other things you touched on as well in this weekend patch/update.
For the butt jiggle, I haven't got that working good enough so I disabled it. And boss battles were initially intended. But I've decided to remove for the same reason as the butt jiggle physics.
Thanks for the feedback, it seems I need to go more in depth in the tutorial.
But you can perform a back step stopping all momentum by pressing the guard and hop at the same time. Or backward and hop at the same time.
Also I've tried butt giggle but couldn't seem to get it right so I disabled it completely.
Adding some hairstyles does sound like a good and quick enhance to customization.
All you feedback was very helpful, and I'll definitely look into these for this weekends patch/update. Stay tuned!