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Horror Games X

A member registered Dec 14, 2021

Recent community posts

Good short horror game. I love space themes. 

Very interesting horror game. Love the puzzles. 

Interesting horror game. 

Very interesting short horror game. 

Good atmosphere. Congratulations.

The game has potential, but it seems unbalanced. The killer is always faster than you and appears very quickly from one room to another. He also attacks you inside the closet, which makes stealth mode somewhat random.

I saw that the save bug was fixed, but it still needs some improvement in difficulty.

The game appears to have an intriguing plot.

This game is really impressive. Deserve more content. 

Good horror game.

Good horror game. Suggestion: avoid using copyrighted music. The supermarket's music is copyrighted.

(1 edit)

The artwork is so good. Congrats!

Good horror game. 

More 2 Endings. Good game. 
Ending 4

Ending 3

Really a fun horror game. 

I found the secret ending. 

Good horror game. 

Playing the game and really enjoying the visuals. ENDING 1 and ENDING 2.
Ending 1

Ending 2

Exploring the game. Looks promising. 

Great horror game. 

Very interesting plot. ALL ENDINGS HERE: 

This game is awesome. Really fun. 

So short, but its a good game. 

Good Horror game. 

This game is really awesome.

This game is short but its really good. 

The game is so creepy.

Very curious psx horror game. 

Very interesting horror game. 

This game is really creepy. 

Good horror game. 

Very interesting use of visuals. Congrats! 

Great game. Good Survival Horror atmosphere. 

Very interesting horror game. Really nice. 

I really liked the game. There are several finals and unanswered secrets that stir the mystery.ALL ENDINGS: 
Ending 1

Ending 2

Ending 3
Ending 4
Ending 5

Great PSX Horror Game.

Interesting horror game. Congrats!

(1 edit)

This game is really interesting. Nice horror vibes. Congrats!

Great game. Really it's have a great atmosphere and an interesting plot, maybe. 

Great atmosphere.

Short but i like the visuals.